this meme is especially true for students and the likes 😂 whenever you share a one-room flat with a laptop made by clueless techbros for clueless techbros, the increased fan whirring really shines.
🤭and sometimes, if you wake your linux things go to shit and all you see is black screen and white mouse on it
Sometimes super+ctrl+alt+F8 saves me and I can restart PC from TTY, and sometimes, there is only a flashing cursor. In second case, I have to take hard measures and forcefully manually restart it
(Yes nvidia card with latest proprietary driver and kde on wayland) -> everything latest meaning from endeavour/arch/aur repos.
I agree with some comments here, hibernation/suspension has been tricky, I've always had minor bugs and like kinda major, screen.. lines? popping up and just not even working sometimes, welp. I suppose it's better knowing what's breaking than wrestling control between you and microsoft..
I started down the Linux route over the weekend and put my computer in hibernation and couldn't figure out how to wake it up from its torpor without restarting. So I'm going with suspension for the time being
Nope. My Linux Mint randomly wakes up from sleep mode all the time. It's just a bug. Tried to fix it, never found solution. I guess I am fine with it. Well. Not really. Help me if you can!!11!!
The main thing I'm learning from this thread is that a surprising number of people don't shut their machines down when they're done using them. Which is wild to me.
My Windows 10 computer eerily waking itself from sleep got me in the habit of shutting it down completely every night. I'd be lying in bed, turn over and open my eyes, and see the light of the screen reflecting off the wall. It was like something out of a shitty horror movie about computers taking over the world.
To this fucking day, even in Windows 11, it takes "Update and Shut Down" as a mere fucking suggestion. About half the time, it'll restart after the update and just sit there chilling at the login screen. Not a single fuck given.
Linux is a breath of fresh air by comparison. Though, if you choose to run Arch you need to stay on top of updates or else a day will come where you won't be able to update because you're now too far behind. It can be fixed manually, but it's still annoying and a little scary if you're not familiar with it.
As sucky as modern Windows is, all you have to do to avoid this bullshit is to shut down the pc at night or whenever you're not using it. That being said, half the time Windows updates, it tries to sucker me into subbing for Microshart 365.
Did anyone else ever notice that Windows's enshittification really took off around the same time they renamed "My PC" to "This PC" ?
Always seemed like it was a subtle indicator they no longer considered it your personal computer but rather one they so graciously allow you to use once in a while.
I'm always so amused when people are like "Uhm, actually, when you shutdown your PC it's not turned off, it's sleeping so it ca.." - Bro, no. sudo poweroff. It's off. Completely off. In fact, it would be hella annoying and fucking useless to configure sleeping.
Windows does not wake up from "hibernation" to do "updates". What it really does is sleep walk during S0 sleep (aka Modern Standby) to check for updates, slowly draining your battery. Classic hibernation is not available while S0 sleep is supported by the BIOS.
fun story, i almost went crazy for troubleshooting why my desktop (mint cinnamon) often wouldn't autosuspend or even turn off the monitor.
after a good half a year it turned out to be three different issues. autosuspend and monitor were two separate issues in cinnamon that i found a workaround for, and i also found out from the log that something wakes it up every now and then. at first i thought my cats stomp on the keyboard, but they avoid touching it. what actually happens is that when my other cat hops off my chair, static electricity wakes the pc up...
Devils advocate time: Windows does this because users are stupid and will never update their PCs if they don't have to. I've met too many people who never update their tech. Operating systems and the software they run is far too complex to be 100% secure so we mitigate that by updates. They are a necessity. The vulnerability responsible for EternalBlue was patched and pushed with a windows update before the ransomware attack, how many users ignored it? Windows is so annoying with its updates because it has to be.