I usually know if something I say will get a bunch of replies, plus I normally use Lemmy most actively in the morning and at night so it happens regularly.
Oh I'm used to it, I know I have some controversial opinions.
Hot take incoming: New 3DS XL is the best handheld Nintendo has ever made. Not only can it play every generation of Nintendo games prior, it's the latest clamshell they made, and it even has super cool exclusives for it like the awesome GTA 3 and GTA VC (admittedly the VC one is a bit rough) ports.
A bunch are usually people disagreeing and making up situations to make themselves right… i.e., you posit that the sky appeared blue when you went outside today, the replies are: not if it’s night, not during cloudy days, etc. and at least one that sounds like they disagree but are reiterating what you just said.
Usually its when I either offend the libs on world or the fake leftists on ml/hexbear. Sometimes if I'm particularly skilled I piss off both of them at the exact same time (usually by advocating for true liberation for the working class not under a so called "vanguard" but by and for the workers themselves)
Is it normal for people to regret what they said on here? Because I tend not to change my mind from downvotes and dumb responses. I do block people though
Most of the time I know exactly what I'm getting if I see more than maybe 3+ comments. Usually it's me saying something anti-communist, something on brand enough for me.
If your in for a wild ride, you can post something like "Steam sucks", or ask anything about "Hexbear". If you just want positive attention, go with "What's the best distro for.....?"
Lmao yeah sometimes. Since I mostly shitpost I just assume that the posts have had the intended effect of either making people laugh or working them up a little about something they care about. Just enough to make them share some stuff they're really passionate about. I like hearing people's unfiltered opinions.
Usually there's enough context and it's recent enough I sort of remember. I haven't had a lot of ancient replies here, but Reddit was great for that, and that's exactly what I would think. What the hell are they talking about? What was really surreal was rereading what I wrote and vaguely remembering it, but sometimes the wording being a bit different than what I might say now. Not necessarily the point, just how I said it, as people do change with age. I don't regret anything I've every said though, it's why I've left my Reddit account alone, that plus it would probably be undeleted anyway and I've moved on.