With American encroachment on Canada, their threats to our sovereignty alongside the tariffs, Canadians have become emboldened and restless. This has manifested itself in a resurgence of Canadian nat
With American encroachment on Canada, their threats to our sovereignty alongside the tariffs, Canadians have become emboldened and restless. This has manifested itself in a resurgence of Canadian nat
With respect, fuck this asshole. He is equating Canadian nationalism specifically with our history as a British colony. The 'other' groups he brings up are just as Canadian as someone with British or French ancestry. Hell, my own ancestors came here over 100 years ago, from Norway. Think about all of the Ukranian-Canadians across the prairies? Chinese-Canadians, many of have deep roots in our country? Are they any less Canadian than someone with the surname "Tremblay" or "Martin"?
This "post-national" nationalism is the sense of nationalism I have always had. Broad strokes, if you call this country your home; work to make it a good place to live within your capacities; treat your fellow countrymen (gender-neutral sense) with respect and tolerance regardless of their religion, creed, ancestral origin etc.; and respect the fact that your own beliefs and lifestyles may differ from others, and tolerate that difference; I am proud to have you count yourself as Canadian, and I hope you share in that pride.
We are a nation with many, many skeletons in our closet. Many of us have, very often, not lived up to the stuff I've written here - individuals and institutions alike. But IMO these are the ideals we should be shooting for, and where we fail, it is a call to work harder.
What I feel is that my own sense of nationalism, and what it means to be Canadian, is not "post-national" but instead nationalism premised in what we actually are and can be - not what some guy may have wanted when we were British North America.
For anyone skimming by who doesn't want to rtfa: Edmund Greggains' objection to Skippy's Canada First rally speech is that it had too many not white foreign-sounding names in it. Like Patel and Mohammad.
And here he is in a different rant on the same site getting frothy and self-defensive about coolie labour building Canadian railroads, black folk having to escape slave owners and other racist white industrialists even after escaping to Canada, Sikhs existing in Alberta... And here he is again upset about Brampton.
Basic aggrieved white subject using a precious imagined Canadian White Identity to feel important and embattled; upset at Poilieviere and Danielle Smith for not being racist enough. Trying at the end of OP's linked article to equate the Yankee threat of annexation with all those foreign-sounding names somehow taking over his Canada.
Only through acknowledging this will we be able to fight off mass immigration, restore our hereditary culture, and safeguard the future of a Canadian people and state.