Please no. That would instantly give control of the government to Americans since the entire population of Canada is around the same as California alone. They can secede and be their own thing, but they're not joining Canada.
If France helps the East Coast secede from yet another empire I'm gonna laugh my ass off. Us Californians did it to Mexico once we can sure as shit so it to America.
The last few months I've been going through all the different groceries, products, and services I buy regularly. Surprised to say, most of it was already from Europe, and a few things from otherwise friendly nations. The few things I buy regularly from the US or US owned European companies are easily replaced by competing products.
Although it is a small amount on a grand scale, it feels good to work on cutting off American companies completely and make them lose from a few hundred up to a thousand dollars in sales ever year. If enough of us do this over time they'll lose millions in sales.
Yeah and people don't have to do everything right away. Just change one service and delete accounts one by one. Request your data as per GDPR where possible and then close. Try to look at labels, chose American companies and products less and less. Don't let perfection stop you from taking some action
Exactly! Taking groceries as an example, as something has been running out I've checked the label and if the company is American or US owned. Slowly, over time the few American groceries will be replaced in my house. Will I be unable to replace some products? Probably. But so far it hasn't been a problem. Something is better than nothing, every lost sale will only hurt them in the long run.
From the U.S., please keep it up. Maybe the only damn thing that will put any brakes on this buffoon is blowback from businesses. Hit them in the pocketbook as much as you can!
I'm trying to think of a precedent for this in the internet age, of a country screwing up and the online response being "Sorry! Please screw us over ASAP."
That's my idea too. I'm no accelerationist, but Trump is already dousing the country with gasoline, so let's light it up and get it over with. Trump was elected because Biden failed to improve the situation for most voters. The next Dem will win by a landslide as Trump makes life so much worse.
Maybe after that we'll try someone third party and see if we can make the country better
Spread the word to others to vote out the Republicans in other states. There are some state and federal elections being held in several states including Oklahoma, Iowa, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia.
Spread the word to vote out the Republicans in state and federal elections in Oklahoma, Iowa, Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.
Ditto. This is a shit show performed in a garbage fire inside of an exploding rocket, with every actor dumber than the one before, vying for the acceptance of their would be king/zaddy who is actually a puppet with so many fists up his ass he's lost count (not a difficult task as he only has 20 digits), and we, the audience, can do nothing to stop it, with half cheering for our demise.
Gotta teach us somehow. You Europeans are far better at this sort of thing than Americans are. And you aren't losing out on much, I can pretty much guarantee that.
Honestly, it's ridiculous.
I don't know why USA insists on "writing it's own history from scratch". As if there was nothing to learn from old Europa and the East. But all the pit-falls are being jumped into as if it's never been done before.
Ya'll are basically speed-running a couple of thousand years of lessons already learned for no reason.
I'm not criticizing, just bewildered at this point.
I guess it looks different on the outside looking in, but after you accept the fact that yes, about 25% of Americans are no more intelligent than a 3 year old, and having almost two centuries of corporate propaganda drilled into us, this all isnt entirely unpredictable.
Americans also won't understand how Europe can do anything to impact the US. *We saved you guys in two world wars!"
Like toddlers, they need actual consistent rewards and consequences. They haven't been getting that for a long time.