I'm guessing they mean an over 100% increase of the decrease of the period-over-period amount.
It's not necessarily wrong, but it is, in fact, a really, really stupid way of communicating information, which is very on brand of them and their supporters.
Listen, if you have to jump through hoops to stretch the meaning of a phrase, just to raise the idea that the phrase might not be completely asinine, it might be a better use of your time to just let it be. You shouldn't have to do mental gymnastics and word judo just to squeeze a non-obvious semi-literate meaning out of something the leader of the free world said. Don't do their work for them (unless you are being paid to do their work for them, of course... but get paid up front, because they aren't very good about honoring contracts).
if you can do the linear algebra equations necessary to make all these nonsense statements have a glimmer of truth you should emigrate to the EU while you still can
This is a transcript of a meeting. Those are words that trump did say, but this screenshot is cropped deliberately to hide that fact.
This is one of the typical lies that trump is known to make in speeches. This isn't a whitehouse staff member publishing those words as a written statement the office stands behind.
For some reason, people will sometimes flip the fraction when calculating decreasing percentages, so this roughly means that the old number of crossings is beyond one hundred percent greater than the current number of border crossings. It's really dumb
Friendly reminder: this community has a "No politics or political figures" rule. In the future, please put posts like this in a community like !politicalhumor@lemmy.world.
this is not political at all. beside the fact that the white house is making the joke!
next time the white house is funny, I'll post on political humor, sorry
I wonder why so many people think there is something fundamentally different about North Korea and the people there. Sure the media control is a bit tighter, but the same thing is happening there as here, always has been in fact. Media is controlled by the state who are controlled by the elite/wealthy. Because of this, meda lies, they just tune their lies to whoever is watching.
You don't NEED to wall off your nation to make people spout lies for you, to make newscasters and printed headlines tell the population that their leader doesn't poop and that he's 700 years old and shoots money beams from his navel. The people who want to hear it will repeat it with glee and don't want to fact check it, and the ones who don't believe it know enough to be quiet and keep their head down so they can get through the day. The same things are happening here and have been happening here.
i think the whole hermit kingdom we will kill you and your entire family, plus sentence you to forty years for forced labor is going to be a more impactful difference between north korea, and literally anywhere else in the world.
There are a couple fundamental differences between the US and North Korea - in NK, you can't travel without governmental approval and also you get shot if you try to leave.
In the US, you can walk to a different state if you so desire (or drive or fly, but those require gov't ID) and the only thing you need to have if you want to leave the country is paperwork that the other country accepts.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were more fundamental differences between the two countries, but those are two big ones that I thought of off the top of my head.
Look at the front page, and also great articles such as "Biden Spent Millions on Transgender Animal Experiments" and "President Trump is Leading with Peace Through Strength."
The quote in the picture is definitely from the whitehouse website, its linked below in the comments. Its just not from that article that no one referenced.
Yes, no one has actually seen these numbers before.
EDIT: Trump continues to demonstrate that he either doesn’t understand how numbers work or refuses to accept what the numbers represent. How the fuck is there more than 100%? I’m going to comment on this based on the cropped quote, not having read anything else. You can’t have more than 100%. That would mean the crossings at the boarder completely stopped and in addition to that there are people who decided to give up their citizenship or residency status and leave the country. That just isn’t how numbers work.
Or he is just lying completely or refuses to know what is actually happening.
Lol illegal crossings caught / reported. The majority of illegals come over legally and just overstay their vacation, education, work, business, or deplomat visa. Why bother crossing illegally when you can just request a vacation visa or day visa and just disappear into the country. (Yes those without passports will have to sneak across but it's way easier than the Trump administration will have you believe.) Yes thousands get caught but millions go back and forth without. Yes most go back without needing the US government to force them.
And what official body is in charge of keeping the official record and count of illegal immigrants crossing the border? Seems to me it's most likely DHS and ice reporting and isn't it in their own best interest to inflate the numbers or deflate them to appease the Nazis?
What percent of immigration is illegal? I'm beginning to suspect Republicans are actually pro immigration (gotta have those slaves) but need to be loudly against it, hence the crackdown on illegal immigrants
Math are hard but maths is harder. American math is 20% easier than English maths. And yes I have seen that "[UK flag] English (Traditional); [US flag] English (Simplified)" gag.