Alright, trying to leave both Chrome and Firefox at the same time is difficult, especially because I always use multiple browsers at the same time (to separate accounts for this or that without having
Alright, trying to leave both Chrome and Firefox at the same time is difficult, especially because I always use multiple browsers at the same time (to separate accounts for this or that without having to switch accounts constantly). My current browser number three is Opera and so far, I'm not touching it (we'll see in the future).
My questions are basically: are LibreWolf and Vivaldi viable replacements as main browsers?
My main concerns are whether LibreWolf is mature enough and if both allow syncing between different devices (as I regularly use three computers).
Any constructive feedback is welcome.
(suggesting me to use that another browser I haven't mentioning without explaining why in detail is not constructive feedback, thank you)
about Multi Account Containers extension, i also recommend this. however, it must be said this extension isn't compatible with android Firefox, probably not ios either but i haven't checked.
If you want to separate accounts, Firefox has an official extension for containers. Anything in a container is isolated from anything outside of it. You can be logged in to the same site in multiple containers, or multiple sites in the same container. The last time I tried containers, I didn't find them very practical. But I'll try again. Still, I like using different browsers, it helps keeps things clear and separate in my mind too ("this goes on this browser, that goes on that browser")
Librewolf is Firefox with all the stuff nobody wants removed. It's exactly as "mature" as the latest Firefox build it was based on. Slightly more so, really. It comes with more-secure settings which may or may not suit you, such as having fingerprinting resistance turned on by default.
Instead of using a completely different web browser, you could use a separate profile by starting librewolf (or firefox) with "-P" to select different profiles.
LibreWolf is mature enough that I use it as my main driver.
LibreWolf takes advantage of the Firefox extension ecosystem, and because of that there are two really nice extensions to get the functionality of multiple browsers in one. Multi Account Containers will allow you to define different account containers and then open tabs in a specific container. If you log in to the same site with different accounts this will allow you to do exactly that. You can also completely isolate a site in its own containers.
For tab organization I recommend Tree Style Tabs or Sidebery. Both integrate Multi Account Containers.
It is my understanding that LibreWolf supports rolling your own sync account. I have not tried that yet but I know it’s possible. Thanks for your feedback. Why do you want to migrate your Mastodon account to their instance, though? My Mastodon account (not this one) is on a solo instance and I can't imagine moving it back to a bigger instance.
Larger instance means that I can see all the replies in a conversation (thread)
I don't believe in solo instances for Mastodon. Instances should be shared by friends who know each other in real life. My criteria is that you’ll share an instance w/ a person only if you would invite them into your house. It has been three years, & almost none of my real-life friends have shifted from Twitter to here. Most gave up on social media altogether & only chat in large WhatsApp groups.
Does Vivaldi syncs between devices? I tried it a while ago, but very briefly and it didn't seem to automatically sync (but maybe I missed something)