A Facebook group for Cybertruck owners is full of videos of people flicking off Cybertrucks.
A Facebook group for Cybertruck owners is full of videos and photos of passersby and other drivers flicking them off, leaving notes that say “WHAT’S ELON’S CUM TASTE LIKE?,” and “NAZI CAR,” and people kicking their cars, throwing slices of cheese at it, etc.
They're all masochists. I've never seen a group that wants to be oppressed more than conservatives. Their lives revolve around bullshit perceived aggrievement.
I like this “throwing slices of American cheese” at Cybertrucks. It’s barely even food, so it’s not really that wasteful. I’m sure the synthetic oilly shit has a wonderful reaction with that unprotected stainless steel. It’s also fucking hilarious - “hey police, someone threw cheese at my car, I’m in fear for my life.”
Cybertrucks are ugly, poorly-built, and poorly-designed vehicles. These protesters are doing any potential owners who get deterred from wasting their money on them a favor.
This is exactly like the support groups for parents who got NCed after refusing to get off their MAGA bullshit. Don't buy a dumb car if you don't want people to say you have a dumb car.