Well this appears to be weather forecasting, rather than climate research. Guess weather forecasting isn't useful now.
Oh, I suppose the idea is that billionaries will sell weather forecasting services to the public at a huge profit. Worked for healthcare so why not? Edit - if there is a plan, of course.
Usually when billionaires take over a company they sell the real estate to their other companies and then rent it back. Milking the company for all it's worth.
I still don't see how they plan to privatize weather forecasting. All it takes is one or two people from each city to scrape the data and upload it to a free alternative site. It's not like health care where each person needs individualized care, it's more like streaming services and we're all seeing how that's going. Never thought the future would involve pirating weather forecasts...
Worse than that... The commercial weather services aren't doing much more than repackaging or (questionably) refining NWS forecast data, which is derived from a global weather simulation that runs on a supercomputer cluster four times a day, incorporating data from NWS radars, government weather satellites, ground stations, etc. Musk and company want to blow this up because providing all that sophisticated data free of charge undercuts the ability of commercial services to charge for the same thing, but there's no private infrastructure capable of generating the data underlying the base NWS forecast. Unless they plan to simply privatize all of that (a distinct possibility) destroying the NWS just means that there will be no high quality national forecasting at all, and even if they do privatize the infrastructure the expertise to make it all work won't necessarily follow.