I paused on L'étranger last week (will push through this week maybe 1 page per day) because I got more engrossed in the graded book called "Ã la découverte du Canada", It was right at my level. Most of the words/phrases bolded in the book were the ones that I didn't knew. It was more pleasant to read due to less look ups. I completed reading the book.
The next graded reader will be a book by Kit Embers which I stopped at 64% previously.
Nice to hear that you are making progress! And I love to hear that you paused reading and moved on to something else for a bit; I've heard that it can be quite a common problem that people can't "pause" or "come back to the book later" and forcefully push themselves through a book they started, which can ruin a good book.
For L'étranger I am only still halfway in the first chapter so I'm not too worried about ruining the book. I am happy to just understand what I am reading.
I went back to the kit ember book after more than a month, the story came back easily but it is a graded reader and relatively simple content.
Yes - the game and the book are set in russia/in russian however, the studio is ukrainian and the translation is very solid. I want to get my hands on stalker, too but i like to wait for sales.
Can't wait to try out the entire stalker franchise :D
A YT channel i subscribe to posted a bunch of French songs to encourage you to learn more. I really enjoyed the tracks. Started exploring more. It is helping my French, but i still have a long way to go.
That is cool I listen to french songs sometimes in background but have not used them for intensive study. I think those song which repeat words/phrases alot help me remember the word/phrases.
One of the first song I heard that got me interested in the language. Jacques Brel - Amsterdam
another one of his song. Jacques Brel - Ne me quitte pas
I did have Ne quitte pas on my playlist, but it really dragged down the vibe.
I have been loving Soldat Louis, Louis Attaque, dionysos, and GIMS.
I will definitely check out your playlist