Calling all renovators and bargain hunters! This 5 bedroom 3052 sq ft home presents a golden opportunity to build equity and create your dream home. Put your renovation skills to work and unlock the hidden potential of this property. With its prime location and solid bones, the possibilities are limitless. Embrace your inner designer and turn this property into a stunning showcase. From updating the kitchen to revitalizing the outdoor space, let your imagination run wild and create a home that will make a lasting impression.
Translation: yes we know it looks like someone took drugs and decided to convert their house into a trendy nightclub, then ran out if drugs, but it does mean you can gut the place and start again. Which we hope is a selling point.
Same here! They definitely put a fair amount of deliberate work into that aesthetic, and I'd love to see how they decorated and furnished some of those rooms.
I mean right it’s weird and not what I would do. But you know that the person who did it was in love with idea and it’s nice to see that kind of passion.
Well of course, if it was made from Linux it would leak everywhere since it's open source. You gotta have closed source to keep the water in, hence the Windows.
Maybe I just have bad taste but at least half of this type of “eclectic” style I actually like. Some of it is just trashy and gaudy, but some of it is just more interesting to look at than regular old “house” style
I think the majority of this is ATBGE. I believe except for a room or two that the previous owner was very happy with the way things looked. I just don’t think anyone else wants to live with those vibes and the cost of renovating that to something more generally appealing is going to be outrageous.
It’s like someone took everything they found free on FBM and used it to renovate. Sprinkle in the cheapest HD had available and discount mis-mixed paint, as available.
This looks like someone goes to a lot of punk shows and was really inspired by the aesthetic. I've seen this style in too many local bar/concert halls. Not enough sharpie writing and stickers in the bathroom though
To be fair, most houses of that size out here would go for more like 500k. But since it's in a really rural location and is a fixer-upper, it's much cheaper
Well at least it seems to be able to function as a normal home and be neither dangerous or too uncomfortable (if you're blind). What's up with the white sploches on the black though ?