no because my opinions are not valued anywhere i go. I will be a lurker on the internet until the majority of humanity chooses kindness, open mindedness, empathy. I doubt i will see that happen. Honestly the internet was a mistake.
I used to contribute, but I've mostly stopped even visiting Lemmy because of all the propaganda from places like Totally killed my excitement for it.
Ok really dumb question (this was an issue for me with Reddit during the before time as well): I seem to only notice threads that have existed for a while, so I normally see something similar to what I would have said already posted as a comment. Should I be using Lemmy differently, to see younger threads?
I want to. But I must say its a bit difficult.
Almost all lemmy instances are a specific echo chamber of opinions, thoughts and political views. The moment I say even the smallest thing out of the “norm” im banned.
Frequent lurker here, I just have such a hard time getting my thoughts out into words that’s relevant to a conversation. Add in an irrational amount of aversion to negative feedback (real or perceived) and it just feels better to just keep scrolling.
One day I’ll get better at this, it’s not easy when my socializing experience has been dominated with negativity both online and offline.
Half the time I post a comment trying to contribute in some way but get downvotes so I'm scared to post any comments.
Additionally, I never post news articles I see because if the content of the news is bad (eg a news article about something bad google is doing), Ive seen others and myself get downvotes
I have been getting more stoned in the past few days, in the hopes to provide more absolutely terrible jokes, however I went too far and binged a bunch of Mr. Rogers videos on YouTube with dabs.
Have you guys seen this man?! Someone this kind actually existed! Like man. Everyone needs to see Mr. Rogers stuff I think, it's like, proper positive and stuff.
You can't tell me what to do! I was told that I do not need to do what other people say I need to do! Which I guess means that I do need to do what other people say that I need to do! But then that means that I do not need to do what other people say I need to do! Do do people need I do need people tell do me need!
the hell am i supposed to do here, there's like- barely any posts in my subscribed tab, and the things i do reply on don't get interactions at all LMAO
might as well keep lurking if it's gonna be like that
Lemmy is so much better for actual commenting and discussion. It’s like our threads range from a small room full of people to an auditorium full, while that other place most of us left was like a professional sports stadium full of people who all have a bullhorn and one rich weasel with camera who gets to decide who is on the Jumbotron.
Lemmy is far and away the most active I've ever been on social media, then I see a three month old account with 2K comments and suddenly feel like a lurker.
I feel like I already post too much lol. But that might be an artifact from my autism which always makes me feel like I'm not good enough or have nothing worthwile to contribute.
Too bad that when you are strong worded against a particular set of netizens, your comments get deleted by the moderator teams or whatever it is called here on Lemmy.