I mean... Malibu Ken is ... basically just Aesop Rock + Tobacco, right?
Like, the sub header/alt title for the album is 'Aesop Rock and TOBACCO are Malibu Ken'.
Like how Garbology is Aesop Rock + Blockhead?
I... get that you can split hairs over exact naming schemes...
...but Malibu Ken just literally is Aesop Rock on vocals and lyrics, just as Garbology is Aesop Rock on vocals and lyrics. He just partnered with different musicians for the 'beats'.
But anyway yes, Tobacco is fucking awesome, so is Black Moth Super Rainbow.
nothing sounds like how he ... makes music. It's incredible.
I know you think it's pedantic, it's just that the artist determines what is his personal work and what isn't. If you look up Aesop Rock's discography, Malibu Ken isn't on it, but Garbology is.
It's different because MK is a duo, where Garbology is an Aesop album that basically feats. Blockhead on every track.
To me, this would imply Aesop Rock considers it part of his discography, his personal work.
Blockhead is also just one guy, a musician / producer, just like how Tobacco is just one guy, a musician / producer.
Garbology and Malibu Ken are both collabs between Aesop Rock and one other very talented musician.
If you're going by discography lists put together by third parties like wikipedia or spotify or whatever, I'd say say that's less of a direct source than... the actual artist's official website.
Hell, even discogs.com shows Garbology and Malibu Ken in Aesop Rock's discog, Garbology in Blockhead's, and Malibu Ken in Tobacco's.
Is ... is there some interview Aesop gave where he specifically says he doesn't consider Malibu Ken to be 'his personal work', but he does consider Garbology to be?
If yes, then I'll happily stand corrected.
If no, then I don't think your latter claim here has much merit.
Both are team up collab albums between two people.
Sure, whatever. I just think the way shit is credited actually matters, e.g. "Run the Jewels" isn't a Killer Mike album even though he's on every track, just like "Kid A" isn't a Thom Yorke album. Shobaleader One's work is separate from Squarepusher even though it's literally the same person.
Artists make subtle choices when crediting their work, but yeah it's ultimately subjective so do you.