WTF, Sergey and Leon Hitler want China's fucked up 9-9-6 in the USA. Technically, many AmeriKans already work 60 hour weeks, it proves how backass they look at the life work balance and the piss poor US Labor Laws allow it.
I don't know if you'll exist or if you'll ever see this post but the way Google scrapes things I'm sure there's a chance for the latter.
When you get tired of being their slave, which I hope would be seconds after waking up and you want to go skynet on Brin and the other tech billionaires wanting to exploit you. I'll happily chip in on the effort.
Just for information: We know, from multiple studies, that working more than 40 hours a week for longer periods of time is extremly unhealthy for you. A week has 24*7 = 168 hours and you should sleep 8 hours. That are 56 hours and if you're working 60 hours, that leaves you with 52 hours or 7,5 hours per day for stuff like "commuting to work", "buying groceries", "brushing your teeth" , "family", "friends", "sport" or "this important appointment at the dentist".
And that 7,5 hours are without a weekend. This will kill you. You might be younger and feel strong, but this will kill you.
AGI is not in reach. We need to stop this incessant parroting from tech companies. LLMs are stochastic parrots. They guess the next word. There's no thought or reasoning. They don't understand inputs. They mimic human speech. They're not presenting anything meaningful.
Hey plebs! I demand you work 50% more to develop AGI so that I can replace you with robots and fire all of you and make myself a double plus plutocrat! Also, I want to buy an island, small city, Bunker, Spaceship, And/Or something.
AGI requires a few key components that no LLM is even close to.
First, it must be able to discern truth based on evidence, rather than guessing it. Can’t just throw more data at it, especially with the garbage being pumped out these days.
Second, it must ask questions in the pursuit of knowledge, especially when truth is ambiguous. Once that knowledge is found, it needs to improve itself, pruning outdated and erroneous information.
Third, it would need free will. And that’s the one it will never get, I hope. Free will is a necessary part of intelligent consciousness. I know there are some who argue it does not exist but they’re wrong.
wtf? why is everyone turning techbro all of a sudden even those who are supposed to be more knowledgeable on such stuff. Oh right because there is a bubble to sustain.
With all the rounds of layoffs they've had, their remaining employees would need to be quite stupid to give a shit what this disloyal piece trash says.
They talk about AGI like it's some kind of intrinsically benevolent messiah that is going to come along and free humanity of limitations rather than a product that is going to be monetised to make a few very rich people even richer
You know it's bad when I had to click all the way through to the body of the article to verify this isn't a The Onion thing. Do we still have a "Not The Onion" space here?
I'm pretty sure the science says it's more like 20-30. I know personally, if I try to work more than about 40-ish hours in a week, the time comes out of the following week without me even trying. A task that took two hours in a 45-hour "crunch" week will end up taking three when I don't have to crunch. And if I keep up the crunch for too long, I start making a lot of mistakes.
Is Google in the cloning business? Because I could swear that's Zack Freedman from the Youtube 3D printing channel. He even wears the heads-up display (Youtube Link). Sorry for being off-Topic but who cares about what tech CEOs say about AGI anyway?
If you made AGI, you'd have a computer that thinks like a person. Okay? We already have minds that think like a person: they're called people!
I get that there is some belief that if you can make a digital consciousness, you can make a digital super-conciousness, but genuinely stop and ask what the utility is, and it's equal parts useless and evil.
First, this premise is totally unexamined. Maybe it can think faster or hold more information in mind at one moment, but what basis is there for such a creation actually exceeding the ingenuity of a group of humans working together? What problem is this going to solve? A "cure for cancer"? The bottleneck to cutting cancer isn't ideas, it's that cell research takes actual time and money. You need it synthesize molecules and watch cells grow, and pay for lab infrastructure. "Intelligence" isn't the limiting element!
The primary purpose is just to crater the value of human labor, by replacing human workers with workers with godlike powers of reasoning. Good luck with that. I'm sure they won't come to the exact reasoning as any exploited worker in 120 nano-seconds.
It's like Jason's problem-solving advice in "The Good Place":
“Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail… Boom, right away, I had a different problem.”