I got the D&D 3e books when I was a kid. I completely, deeply, uncritically loved them. Read them cover to cover. Spent a lot of time drawing nonsense dungeon maps and coming up with terrible ideas.
I remember I went to some game shop in some local mall and asked the guy for advice. He was like, "yeah i don't know, but that guy's into it" and pointed me to some customer who was a mega D&D nerd. He was surprisingly patient with my youthful excitement. I remember being like "So I can just... do anything in the game? I can be like, you kill the orc and his eyes are magic??" The guy was like ... i can't remember exactly what he said, but it was something like "You can, but probably don't spend a lot of time on minutia. You probably don't want your players spending 30 minutes checking every single trinket and orc body part for secret magic."
I don't really like D&D/its close relatives much anymore, but like many people it was my entry point.