Universal Audio is the world’s leader in Thunderbolt audio interfaces, analog recording hardware, and UAD audio plug-ins. Explore products and shop now.
Just a heads up to anyone who might not have seen it or own it yet, but UA is giving away their 1176 Classic FET Compressor plug-in for free until 02/28!
Another heads up: this is an installer and requires iLok to activate. I made an account to get the license but I'm avoiding any plugin that requires iLok until I can get that process to work with fewer issues. Sometimes the plugins just won't load or require me opening and logging into iLok.
Would love to be using this plugin on my stuff though so thanks for posting. Does anyone have recommendations on situations this compressor excels at? Any situations you'd avoid using it?
I’ve personally found 1176-style FET compressors good on drums, especially with parallel compression in the all buttons in mode. It can be a really fast compressor so like quick transient stuff it does well on. Isn’t the first compressor I would grab for like soft pianos or a delicate vocalist if you’re looking for what its weaknesses are.
Thanks for sharing ! Never used UA plugins, apart from quickly trying them out with a friend that bought an UA soundcard recently. I'll give this a go !