Trump’s attack on paper straws is mostly symbolic — but the plastics industry is celebrating: Trade groups are seizing the moment to call for fewer restrictions on plastics.
forcing people to spend time responding to this shit while they complete their 100% takeover of any remaining entity in a position to do anything about it
Reactions to cognitive overload
You may respond to cognitive overload in different ways based on external factors and internal behaviors, including:
Being unable to deal with a topic or issue because it's more complex than you're able to manage.
If information doesn't fit with the way you think or feel, you may become angry at having your feelings or beliefs challenged. Repeated attempts to address a topic may lead to feelings of upset or anxiousness.
Simply going along with others is a way of dealing with cognitive overload. Forming an opinion on a topic may feel overwhelming, while following someone else's lead is the easiest way to cope.
This fight, especially, is one that we should just let them win.
80% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is fishing waste. Banning plastic straws is pointless, what we need to be doing is forcing the fishing industry to clean up their shit.