No one will experience a better climate than today
No one alive will experience a better climate than we have today. But young people will experience a much more dangerous and chaotic world in the future.
But the gay marriage was a no brainer because it cost nothing to anyone. Making the climate better requires sacrifice. Still think we should try to be positive.
well, yeah, but also the vroom-vroom assholes - there are so many who fight efficiency and buy the biggest truck our the loudest most ridiculous exhaust for their sports car, they literally derive enjoyment from making things worse. And then there's the smooth-brainest, the coal rollers, who fuck up their shit intentionally to make it spew toxins they can maneuver onto peds and cyclists.
the world is burning, when are we going to turn some of this focus back to a modicum of personal responsibility?
That's all true, but the rich have outsized power to influence the system. They have an impact on education and politics that in turns breeds the "vroom-vroom assholes", the coal rollers, the right-wingers, the anti-abortionists, the "my way or the highway", the tankies, and so on.
More successful people are fine, but those super, mega, ultra rich fucks who play the system to fuck the world for the rest of us, those fucks have to be taxed back into normality or get a visit from Luigi.
The extent to which current and future generations will experience a hotter and different world depends on choices now and in the near-term how quickly we compost the rich.
Wouldn't composting just release more greenhouse gasses? We need a more effective means of carbon capture, or maybe directly repurpose them as some sort of nutritional paste
Composting sequesters much more carbon than it emits, if done properly. It's not like we're cremating the bodies, where the carbon is released to the atmosphere as CO2.
yup. every time I read about private jets flying to get food, or see a car speeding down the street doing 60 in a 25, revving their shit at lights, I think: how much are you robbing your children?
don't they love their own kids? how is our society literally burning - but people can't make the obvious connection?
I know we can't de-carbonize every source instantly, but the selfish pricks who burn it for fun need to be taxed at the very fucking least
Already 60°C in thermal sensivity in Rio de Janeiro yesterday.
If the end comes, It will not be with a bang, but as a sloooooow cook. And it's happening right now so: Time to act!