Phoronix forums have got to be the most hateful threads I have come across in the Linux community. It's sad because the articles really helped me get into and understand the ecosystem
The Phoronix comment section has always been kinda shit. Maybe one in every thousand posts will contain anything of value (in most cases a comment by a developer telling the peanut gallery why they're wrong).
Yeah I actually am slowly realizing that I agree with that. Lots of bigots in Phoronix comment sections... and that doesn't even include the obviously psychotic rants, its just the ones that unashamedly shit on DEI all the fucking time
I feel like as long as there is money to be gained from it (be it via clicks or whatever), these people will stay.
So you gotta, in video game terms, "hit the boss on its weakpoint".
What also grinds my gears is that one guy in there who ban evaded twice, everyone else knows who they are, yet they still remain on the forums to this day. If that doesn't tell anybody that that site has a serious moderation problem, I don't know what will.
I took them off my list once I realized many of their articles were treating rumor as fact. It would get really annoying when I tried to use the knowledge to do something only to learn the thing they said was "added to the linux kernel" was really just a patch posted to the mailing list that was being discussed.
One thing a person learns quickly is to never ever under no circumsision open the comments on phoronix articles. Never. Even if you see a thing with lots of comments and you think "maybe there's some good stuff this time there", nope the fuck out.
Ah. Okay. It took me a moment to get this person's perspective on this. They're a non-US citizen who's asserting that this person's 'wokism' (i.e. nont being a prick) is hypocritical because they didn't voice their concerns over the exile of Russian devs from the Linux Kernel. Isn't that kind of a mix of a straw man (not clear what this 'woke' person's views are on that; troll makes assertions on what the 'woke' person didn't say) and an ad hominem (this 'woke' didn't argue against anti-Russian sentiment, therefore their arguments for equality are invalid).
I feel like I've wasted my time considering what this clown had to say.
Have you read the LKML thread where the Rust people are called "Cancer", then slapped with "You are the problem" to end up with "we are the Thin Blue Line"? Herbst is right, it is sickening.
And what "line" is that? The last line against... Innovation? Just Stuff Moving Forward Like It Does Without Regards For Your Fragile Ego? The Dinosaurs Extinction?
this made me realize I should probably stop supporting a forum where anti-"woke" trolls are allowed. hopefully there's a feedback forum when I unsubscribe