I keep hearing excuses like "but your highness the entire crop was destroyed and we're starving" or "but my lord I'm dying of the plague". Like ok? That sounds like a you problem. Someone has to do all the work around here and that someone's not going to be me.
If you're promised a portion of the crop harvest then you will get it. Lords are always micromanaging and saying "yields should be higher"
Just stay the fuck out of the way and wait for your corn.
It makes for cheap animal feed. Not so sure about these... Potatoes. Heard they're related to nightshade, and it's this... ungodly.. LUMP. What is my kitchen staff supposed to even DO with this?!
Nono, that was a general complaint about potatoes. My staff are similarly ... perturbed at the notion of anyone willfully cooking these things.
As I said before. Corn is making fairly cheap feedstock for the animals, at least that is what i have been told. So I am sure there are many useful plants from across the sea. We are simply left with the unenviable task of figuring out which is which. Yes there are supposedly natives and if anyone could figure out their language asking would yield answers on what they can tolerate, but their bodies have also acclimated to these things, so one man's porridge may well be another's poison.