"Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer are architects of the crisis that allowed Trump's fascism to arise and succeed," argued one progressive organizer. "They have zero credibility to be leading the fights we face today."
House Democratic lawmakers reportedly used a closed-door meeting earlier this week to vent their frustrations with progressive advocacy groups that have been driving constituent calls and pressuring the party to act like a genuine opposition force in the face of the Trump administration's authoritarian assault on federal agencies and key programs.
We need a Democratic Tea Party movement very badly.
Unfortunately, I already know the people who would lead it would also never get past making the rules of who's included, what kind of tea we'll be using, and if it's ethically sourced, and if any members have any problematic tweets in their past, what particular brand of socialism everyone subscribes to, and of course, what we're actually demanding from the government.
Say what you want about the right, but their superficial, Ork-like focus on goals gets them moving. Too bad those goals are usually things like "Vote against our best interests as much as humanly possible."
edit: I love that half the comments below are people disagreeing about how we would organize it and what we would want and who we would include. I both despair and celebrate that I'm not someone who can just hear a single word like "woke" and just laser-focus on uniting with literal crocodiles to take it down. Identify our weaknesses people, stop trying to be smarter than the problem. The problem is stupid simple, we have wealthy elite stealing our lives and futures away and the right is enabling them. Full stop, we should be fucking marching locked-arm with people whom we've been told to abhor to fix this. Imagine if people became scared to associate with billionaires. Imagine if we all did something.
The tea party, however, turned out to be an entirely artificial astroturfed "movement" that got its funding from the Koch brothers. They only came to exist because they were deemed a potentially profitable investment to the one percent. Same goes for Kerry getting "swiftboated". It was always about money.
some were! The rest were useful idiots--just totally unwitting dupes who had no idea who they were REALLY working for. The groups that handled transportation and logistics took "donations" as "non-profit" organizations but the Koch brothers absolutely did appoint individuals to set it up on their behalf AND provided basically all of the funding. The organizers themselves or the people feeding instructions to them were either class traitors if they knew the resources were coming from one source OR they weren't even legitimate members of the working class in the first place but only pretended to be so as to blend in with their marks.