They way the soldiers are guiding it, all I can think of is "GROND GROND GROND"
20 0 ReplyI think a live hog should be pitted against a live warthog. And from there we can dictate future strategy for combat pork and A10 warthog.
14 0 Replywhy against? You train the War Hog to fly the Warthog and you get an unstoppable machine :)
18 0 Reply
Put Florida man in a cage with that thing
9 0 ReplyThey would breed
8 0 ReplyFlorida man found unconscious after trying to bite the bacon off a live hog
Florida man has been found with several injuries on his thighs, leading investigators to believe the hog was after his ham
6 0 Reply
De Rudy op Lemmy? Maakt da mee
8 0 ReplyWar Pigs?
7 0 ReplyGenerals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses
7 0 ReplyEvil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerer of death's construction4 0 Reply
I honestly don't think 4 men could hold him back if he wanted to go
6 0 ReplyThe British side should be Eddie the Iron Maiden zombie mascot in full British Army dress uniform
5 0 ReplyWhat is Maastricht? A town? A region? Some fucking country that I don't know about‽‽
Edit: apparently it's a city on the border of Belgium and The Netherlands.....
5 0 ReplyUh oh, something is brewing.
3 0 Reply
Resist and Bite
2 0 ReplyTake Maastricht back? Tuuk jong veel plezier ermee
1 0 Reply
Cry havok and let slip the hogs of war!
2 0 ReplyDain Ironfoot wants his war hog back!
2 0 Reply