What (if any) are the fables/fairy tales of the modern day? (Neverafter Spoilers probably)
What (if any) are the fables/fairy tales of the modern day? (Neverafter Spoilers probably)

I just finished up a rewatch of Neverafter and as the various iconic story tellers were introduced, the question above came up in my mind.
To clarify, by fables/fairy tales I would mean widely known tales told primarily to children to pass on positive ideals and morals. Not just entertainment, but at least partially education as well. I also think it should be quite well known to count - it should at least be considered common knowledge in the region it's from. As for "modern", let's say the last 100 years or so? Though anything post-Grimm may be interesting.
Personally, I've struggled trying to think of anything particularly satisfying. Dr. Seuss feels like it's just about that iconic, though that's pretty old itself at this point. Is there anything Internet based that my out-of-touch brain is overlooking?