I would've expected the Trump administration to take a bit longer to follow Hitler's example... He too had problems finding enough room to jail his "undersirables". So he built facilities to handle them all.
It started with normal prison-like work camps but eventually those facilities started including tools for mass murder like ovens. There were just too many people to get rid of!
How long before we start hearing about unexplained deaths in these facilities? How long before their jailers start executing people for minor offenses (real or perceived)? How long before we start hearing about detainees asking for money to pay off the guards (or their employers) to keep them alive?
This, strangely, is one thing republicans have in the past been upset over - and I have no idea why. You would think their support of for-profit prisons and there support of detaining all undocumented immigrants would mean this would fit perfectly, but from Clinton out to Biden every time someone tried this, Republicans got irrationally upset over it.