Title text: I pronounce the 'u' in 'pronunciation' like in 'putting' but the 'ou' in 'pronounce' like in 'wound'.
[The word "Tuesday", with each letter labeled by a box with an arrow:]
T: As in buffet
u: As in minute
e: As in record
s: As in use
d: As in moped
a: As in bass
y: As in gyro
[Caption below the panel:]
Pet peeve: Ambiguous pronunciation guides
" is dye " if the last word is gyroscope.
" is dee" if the last word is the Egyptian gyro food.
Edit: oh, snap. I re-read the as-in words. It's all ambiguous! lol😀
I sorta like that written English doesn't care how it's pronounced. However, I do think people should care less about spelling; if it's clear, it's done its job.