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WIP Wednesday! How have you been faring the past week? Any progress on your projects?

This past week has been a blast crafting-wise. I got a year older and finished the first two Discworld books (in order of release). I got more comfortable with crochet as well but we're stitching here and that's more important.

My secret project for November is way ahead of schedule. Which is great, I have two months to wash, iron, and frame. The cross stitching is done with only the backstitch left. First round is also almost done with two-strands in black. What remains is the finer accents with one strand in 351, as well as the off-white accents.

The Greenhouse of Oddities progress has slowed down a bit but it's still visible. We have the silhouette of a victim of the deadly plants, taking refuge in that corner of the greenhouse. Not sure why but I'm particularly proud of the deadly nightshade plant in the bottom right corner. I had to substitute the colours, and I did it with a different brand. I love how it turned out!

How has your week been? Anything interesting happening? Have you managed to work on your projects?

  • Ooh yay welcome to Discworld! And belated happy birthday! So much progress on your greenhouse since I last saw it, you're a way faster stitcher than me that's for sure.

    I am back from holidays and have been feeling very sad, but the last couple of days I started picking up the crafts again. Today I spent some time in the car in a hospital car park (nothing dramatic, just time-consuming) so took the opportunity to frog an old bit of test stitching so I can reuse the tiny corner of fabric for something else!

    Too frugal? Maybe. Idc πŸ˜…

    After much deliberation I only packed one cross stitch project for the cruise and that ended up being a good decision as I worked on it for all of five minutes. To combat the post-holiday depression we did a LotR marathon on Saturday though and I managed most of a whale, so that's officially decent progress!