the TLAs are the feds standing in the emperor's and lord diaper's way the most. justice is locked-down, as is enough of the courts; half of congress is in a daze and the moron majority is eating the orange poo; but the TLAs have off-the-book ops and funding to do 'things'.
Kennedy fired the architect of the CIA and planned to significantly cut their budget. What has Trump done that antagonizes them at anything close to that level?
Y'all just think because you personally don't like Trump, the CIA must not like him either. But the CIA does not share your interests or values, in fact, they're pretty much completely opposite.
Well it is the CIA, it is plausible they're just playing the game to stay on Trump's good side. Maybe they 'buyout' a Joe and 'rehire' a Joey that just so happens to know everything Joe did, but 'adores' Trump for reasons
I think it's not that far fetched to presume the CIA has major political power within the US, more than the EPA at least. If someone, they know how to assassinate a president or a billionaire and make it look like an accident.
They view the civilian goverment as above them at all times through all means, it's very serious military doctorine to always be guided by the civilian goverment. How that plays out with a fascist in charge who wants to violate the constitution, who is clearly using legalism to order blatantly illegal actions already, it's not clear. But in my opinion the leadership of the military will hold their nose and do whatever they are told and the enlisted will largely enjoy that.