I've been using KISS launcher for ages. I just can't go back to a "normal" launcher again. No more swiping through pages to find and open an app. Just type a letter or two of the app name and voila.
There is Lawnchair, which is a stock-experience while still being extremely customizable, and Kvaesitso, which is search based and might be worth checking out if you want to try something different.
Can you share which features you are interested in, so we can give more relevant recommendations ?
I'm mostly fine with any launcher, as long as you can put apps in folders in the app launcher, as well as hiding some apps altogether. Lawnchair looks interesting and I'll check it out
I've tried pretty much any FOSS launcher out there, and I always return to Kvaesitso.
It feels very natural and smooth, while being minimalistic and extremely functional.
Especially the search is the best there is. The built in calculator ("1+1"; "3 inch in cm"; etc.) is so fucking useful and finding stuff is blazing fast.
I really love Kvaesitso but I wish I could adjust the unit conversions. Im so used to entering a query lkke "15c to f" which works in search engines and Apple's spotlight search buy Kvaesitso doesn't work with that.
Agreed. I love kvaesitso and I use it. But these conversions is something I simply dont use, because entering the units the way it expects is too cumbersome for me most of the time.
Same thing for timers. I hate having to type "15 min" instead of "15min" which feels much more natural to me.
I've been an avid fan of applocation launchers like rofi and dmenu on the desktop forever, and the "swipe down and immediately search" feels as close as it can get to the mobile equivalent of those.
I've been really liking the KISS Launcher, it's power is in it's simplicity. It also looks relatively comparable with Smart Launcher. What's super impressive about the KISS Launcher is that 93% of users that try it for a week are still active users after 3 years! So definitely worth a gander for sure.
agreed! I've been using KISS since Nova got bought out and have been loving it. i tried a bunch of different ones but KISS had the best combo of features and simplicity to me. will take a lot for me to switch away now.
A good minimalist text based launcher that's open source is Olauncher. Maybe not what you're after (comparing it to Smart Launcher) but thought I'd suggest it just in case.
this is what I do currently (GrapheneOS Network Permission), but I'm just curious if there are any other alternatives out there. it's slightly easier to have trust the software I use from the get-go, not hinder it so it can be trusted, if that makes sense
I also use a proprietary launcher (Niagara) with network permission off. I tried kvaesito, kiss and lawnchair before but none of them are in my experience as polished as Niagara and smart launcher.
Octopi Launcher (Early Access) it's still in Early Access but I am using it as my daily driver and I love it. it creates a separate home screen for each orientation and or aspect ratio. I use this on a pixel 9 fold to have separate home screens on the standard phone screen versus the tablet screen.