And letting a thin-skinned, Ketamine-fueled, video-game cheating, Nazi apologist billionaire take over the machinery of the United States is not something that anyone voted for.
Nah. Seize his assets, but make him stay here. Make that Nazi bastard experience life the American Way™ - living paycheck to paycheck at a minimum wage job (cause the moment his net worth guess to zero, his political influence does as well - another trademarked advantage of American living).
He'd still be a celebrity, a couple of talk show invitations and he'd be better off than the bar majority of Americans. Not to speak of other opportunities he'd have.
Pipe dreams. Billionaires have beat the system. They'll never be on our level, even after "losing" everything.
It sucks. But unless some external force is involved, they'll never ever face repercussions for any of the bad they've ever done. This is the system they've built and designed for themselves.
If you want to do a bit of Both-Sides-ism, big chunks of the Dem Establishment have also been very friendly with Elon. FFS, he didn't have any trouble landing contracts under the Biden Admin. And he led Gavin Newsom around by the nose with his Hyperloop promises for nearly a decade.
But I'd say the more pervasive concern is how heavily leveraged Elon's businesses are with respect to his Saudi creditors. And that's the real snarl at the end of this problem. The US has made the Saudi Royal Family such an enormous nexus of dollar inputs and outputs that Aramco might as well be a second Federal Reserve.
Our addiction to fossil fuels is driving significant chunks of our bad policy, both domestic and foreign. And while you can wax poetic about Americans "not voting for this", there's a deep socio-economic bond between American industry and cheap oil. Americans "vote" for the Saudis with their labor hours and their consumer spending on a daily basis.
We don't have a lot amount of choice in our employment and consumer spending because of regulatory capture and economies of scale. Without any new coordination mechanism, getting off oil will have to be a top-down change.
Big oil has convinced us to cut down our own "carbon footprint" to encourage purity testing and exhaustion instead of collective action. They know it's an externalities problem... do we?
Never let Mitch McConnell off the hook, despite how he now says he doesn't like what Trump his doing. Since this all started, he has done nothing but enable him and has done as much as anyone to put the guy in power. Same to be said of Graham. When this all goes terribly wrong(er), none of us should, for a second, allow them a pass on any future backtracking or apologizing that they might do.
I'm not in the US, but the news coming out almost daily since Trump took office has been pretty worrying to me. I encourage everyone to watch and spread this video: How Tech Billionaires Plan to Destroy America. I feel like a tinfoil hatter but, what's laid out in the video is very convincing after just a couple weeks into Trump's presidency.
Yeah, watching this unfold makes me wonder just how useless things like a constitution and laws and due process really are in every other country. Because apparently none of those things actually matter and some rich asshole that wasn't elected can seize power tomorrow if they want. While no one does anything about it. Makes it all seem like a big joke.
It's the result of over 50 years of chipping away at all the anti corruption laws. Trump wouldn't have been able to do this with the laws put in after Nixon, but there's been a concerted effort to overturn all of it through the Supreme Court.
You should listen to the Masterplan podcast that lays it all out, if you haven't yet.
Yeah it's crazy to me, over 300 million citizens in the US alone, but just a handful of billionaires is all it takes to destroy democracy and the government. It honestly feels like violence will be the only option to get at these billionaires as it seems there is no longer any way to cripple them financially. They are completely fearless in their meddling.
Yeah as a non-American, it certainly does look from the outside as if a ketamine-fuelled Nazi is going around just taking over government offices largely unopposed.
Elect a puppet, get a puppet. If anyone looked at Trump's bankroll for the election and thought, "Wow, what a bunch of great people donating for a better tomorrow," you are out of your fucking mind.
All he needed to do was stay quiet and get rich via multiple companies, maybe keep pushing electrification and renewables, and most of society would have kept considering him the real life Tony Stark pushing humanity forward.
The US especially has no trouble idolizing flawed people as long as they have lots of money and/or high-visibility accomplishments.
If Musk does have one exceptional skill on top of his good fortune in life, it seems to be finding promising companies and taking credit for their shit. And it totally would have worked for him. But no, being a mustache-twirling nazi-saluting villain gets you more attention.
If Elon Musk had suddenly died days before he accused that diver who saved those children from that cave of being a pedophile, he would've been remembered as the real life Tony Stark that never got the chance to bring us to a new golden age. But now he's viewed as a shitty James Bond villain.
He was regularly lauded as "One Of The Good Ones" as recently as Trump's first term. The Electric Car Guy. The Hyperloop Will Be The Best Form of Rail Transit Guy. The We're Going to Mars Guy.
He's a carnival barker, but its absurd to say he only gulled the conservatives. Liberals have been falling for this man's schtick for decades. Right up there with Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and George Soros as an obscenely wealthy gremlin we were all supposed to trust.
hmmm this was clear as day before the election... so a more accurate headline would be "the majority of people who voted, voted for Elon... the majority of the rest couldn't be bothered"
Putting that aside, I am holding predictions until the Feb 05 marches and I am willing to give the dormant populous of the USA a couple more weeks to go on a general strike and stop this madness... but it increasingly seems the people in the USA are now too numb, too busy, too stressed out, too ignorant to realize they are sheep being taken to the slaughter house
But they knew the close relationship, the money spent, the egos of all involved. How did they NOT see this coming? I hate to say it but it was inevitable that something bad was going to happpen, maybe not as fast as it has, but it was clear a vote for Trump was a vote for Musk.
Yeah, it’s a bummer but I think many comments are giving the American public too much credit.
The combined effects of “decent white Christians simply vote Republican” and “super rich white man good, two super rich white men better” probably count for a majority of trump’s votes.
yeah but also people voted for the guy after Elon said he's officially buying him and jumped around like a reanimated troglodyte to celebrate his purchase.
anyone with a second brain cell could tell that he would be in charge even if he weren't doing it so publicly.
Nobody voted for Musk, but they did vote for Trump. They voted for a GOP controlled senate and a GOP controlled house. They voted for this administration despite the Project 2025 roadmap making it clear what Trump and the GOP were going to do if they were put in charge. And now, they're doing it.
In the past they haven't protested as more and more power has been given to presidents, both D and R. So now Trump is using all that power and delegating it to someone of his choosing. This isn't a coup. A coup is an unlawful seizure of power. The power was handed to Trump and the GOP lawfully, and Trump is just delegating.
This is a real Leopards Eating People's Faces moment for the USA. This is the result of decades of the American people expressing their will, or at least not objecting strenuously. This is the country that voted Carter out of office and enthusiastically voted in Reagan. It's a country where most of the democrats celebrate Bill Clinton, despite his policies of deregulation and deindustrialization. Compare that to Germany where the mere fact that the slightly right-wing government was willing to work with two far-right AfD members has been enough to get hundreds of thousands of people out on the street, protesting.
To be fair Elon was announced at the RNC aka the Break The Grindr party. Everyone was bummed that JD Vance had an Indian wife and he was barely a 6 (tho the talking heads kept shameless commenting how hott he was). All the pussy dried up and then Trumps crew started showing Musk off. He’s been a lovely item ever since. Guy is swept up in what little glamour there is for those swamp monsters. Now his tanks are tanking. The kardassians curse strikes again.
Go ahead and do just that. You can’t touch him and if you try you will be marked. He will have a pardon if needed. Even if you physically removed him from the earth trump will put another in his place.
But go ahead and spend your time and energy on him. I predict it will be futile
Yeah, his actual actions are totally unimportant. What can a guy who is in charge of the entire U.S. in everything but name possibly do that people should focus on?