Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo issued a "read-out" of her call with U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday — but her list of what the two leaders agreed to is different from his in one major respect: guns.
Washington Post staff writer Meryl Kornfield pointed out on X that in Sheinbaum's list of things the U.S. had committed to do is stop the flow of guns into Mexico.
Even though emotionally, I wanted Mexico and Canada to keep their tariffs to not take Trump's crap. I have a feeling history will look back on Sheinbaum as incredibly tactful, especially giving Mexico buffer to diversify their reliances.
@JOMusic It's actually a pretty big concession Trump gave up. Theoretically we're not allowed to restrict the flow of firearms out of the country because of the 2nd Amendment. So it opens up a whole can of worms as to how legally we'll restrict that flow of weapons (or even if we can).
I have a very hard time imagining Trump will keep his word, but you gotta respect Sheinbaum for getting as much as she could. Trump might be feeling very pro gun control now that he's in power though, so maybe there's hope for a broader deal to help secure Mexico's border from the flow of illegal American firearms.
All he has to do is direct the ABC boys to stop running guns to Mexico to fund their black budgets and that would cut down on guns going there, if they comply. Add to that securing the border, the flow of guns going south would be reduced in very meaningful ways.
Not that the cartels really need US guns, the black market is flush with firearms.
My guess is Trump believed he could deliver with just securing the border and has no idea about the government gun runners. He probably threw that out there as a freebie to add leverage, because securing the border would have the downstream effect of less gun running with zero extra effort.