I've checked the usual telegrams and haven't found'em. Anyone have any suggestions on where to possibly find them? I think I'm not crossing any rules with this.
Btw, can anyone explain what piracy in 3D printing is about? Is this about some proprietary and costly replacement parts for a specific use? Or Patreon art/designs by independent creators? And what's Materize? Some underground platform?
Thx. Explains why I haven't heard of any of that. I've stopped accumulating every hobby out there at some point, and I didn't make it to figurines and 40k.
Sure. Piracy and archiving can be related. But what kind of object/shape would that be? Ultimately every digital file is threatened with vanishing. Unless some people keep it around. But that's a very broad statement about how the world works in general.
Sorry if you already tried this, but you might want to try @uIndexBot on telegram and see if it can find anything for you. I found a lot of stuff I didn't expect that way, and you get a few free searches a day.
If you can't find them on Telegram, there isn't much else. If you already are in the private tracker scene you can try to get into Materize but invites may be tricky grab.
I am in the scene, and I've been trying to get an invite. It is incredibly hard to find aha. Lots of scammers offering to let you buy your way in for the low price of $75-$200! Totally legit aha
Should be able to find official invites on the invite forums of other private trackers, however they may be inactive when you first find them. I had to wait a few months for an inactive thread I found to begin offering invites again.