I try to only deep clean one corner of the room. If it works, great! I'm a quarter of the way there. If it fails, okay! Most of the room is still usable.
Just think about all those administrative tasks you've been neglecting which are piling up. And remember, a few even require you to phone a hotline.
You'll get back to deep cleaning in no time.
Also, have assigned/labeled boxes for everything. And a big bag for whatever doesn't belong to any of them. It's way easier to deal with mess if your brain doesn't need a lot to figure out where to put said items.
My solution has entirely just been to own less things and designated spots for every item. The main problem is forcing myself not to get cool things I will never actually use
FFS, I definitely have ADHD don't I? My brother has it and I'm already confirmed autistic.
Maybe I can get some meds in 3-5 business years when the NHS hamsters wake up...
Guys, lpt. Get extra laundry baskets. If you find things out of place put it in the laundry basket in a conspicuous place. Dry cups, clothes, books, papers, all goes in the basket. Sort when it gets full or you have the urge.