A man who supported and voted for Donald Trump to be the President of the United State of America is crying out for help after his Venezuelan wife was picked up by immigration officers. The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids were reportedly conducted across South Florida on Sunday,...
The man told CBS News Miami his message to the president: "If I get a chance to talk to you, man — please, man — let's work something out. Let me keep my wife here in the United States. She deserves to be here."
And he still thinks trump gives a shit about him and would even entertain having a conversation with him.
And fuck this guy... why does his wife deserve to be in the US and not all of the other people who were grabbed?
There were some riots and fights between Kurds and Turks where I live. Both sides were aggressive, but the Turks started it days earlier. Some Kurds then beat up some teenage Turks. Erdogan, the Turkish president, called the boys personally to support them after the media reported on it.
Long story short, these asshole politicians will use whatever fuel they can use.
They didn't believe he would. They thought he would hurt the people who they wanted to hurt, but leave them alone as a silent exception, like so many other things did.
Survivorship Bias - or something similar. If it hasn't happened to them, most people don't care until it directly affects them. Even if it affects their friends or family, sometimes that isn't enough.
They told you they were going to do this. I had to dig up an older comment of mine and am just sitting back in terror watching it all occur in real time
Women: he told you he’s taking your rights away and is already letting you die in hospital waiting rooms
Tradesman: he told you overtime and unions are gone
Veterans: he told you he hates you, pissed all over the sanctity of Arlington and is gutting the VA
Hispanics: he told you you and yours are getting deported and doesn’t care if you’re legal or not
Those on social security, Medicare, Medicaid or ACA: he told you he’s cutting/gutting these
Anyone with ties to Palestine: he told you he’s going to help Israel finish the job
“If I get a chance to talk to you, man — please, man — let’s work something out. Let me keep my wife here in the United States. She deserves to be here.”
How do these people see the state exactly? The president can just do whatever? Equal application of the law doesn't matter?
Probably because everyone saw him bail out the criminals involved in the Jan 6th insurrection- it’s not too large a leap for them to assume they are exempt from this as well.
Him quoted begging Trump to let his wife stay. Perfect poster boy of all these fucks. The rules are for everyone but them, and him suddenly being affected by the rules he has been voting for and yelling about for years and he doesn't even have a flash of reflection.
It's not "oh wait. Maybe these rules are terrible, like half the population has been screaming, and maybe we should be looking for better solutions that don't fuck people over."
It's "but not me right bro? Fuck everyone else but obviously not me." - worthless no-name schmuck who has never considered he isn't the hero even his own story, and is hardly an NPC to the likes of Trump.
I really have lost sympathy for any and all Republicans.
Trump's actions aren't merely soulless and evil, they are stupid. They run contrary to the interests of the United States on every conceivable level. Prices rise, others countries lose faith in us, our enemies extend their power over our allies. Even Trump's professed goals, such as combating China's power in international trade, aren't accomplished by his actions, considering he's putting a heavier tariff on Taiwan than the PRC.
Having sympathy for a Trump voter is like having sympathy for a grown adult who licks an electric socket. It's a waste of energy. You're putting more value on their survival than they are.
If he voted, he should be a citizen and his wife should have a green card. I'm guessing he misspoke about the court date for "citizenship" - maybe there was some technicality there, maybe the paperwork hadn't gone through yet.
But it's not surprising. The legal process is far from perfect, and with authoritarian measures like this there's bound to be people who are caught up in it who shouldn't be.
You have never interacted with the US immigration system, right?
Even if you marry a US citizen, you aren’t eligible for a green card if you stayed in the country without legal status. You are required to leave the country, wait 10 years for the violation to clear out from your record, apply for a green card at the embassy, wait 2-3 years for approval, and then re-enter the country. Approval is unlikely for anyone with past violations, so I wouldn’t plan on approval anyways.
For the people involved in this, it’s unlikely that they will ever be together again (unless they re-enter the country without papers).
This is why I joined this community, this is what will help get me through the next however many years of crap. No, I'm not proud of it, but I admit it. I'm a regular human, not a saint.
This won't help all the innocent people who don't deserve the pain and suffering they're going to be put through, but it helps me feel better whenever the people who caused it also suffer.
Conservatives always think the rules won't apply to them, only their lessers. It's exasperated because they are the rules not applying to Trump, so they think that it won't affect them, just the other people. Turns out if you're not a billionaire, those rules do apply and they get surprised every. single. time.
Nope. Still visa then green card (PR). After some amount of years with a green card, can apply for citizenship. There might be other ways, but that's what I've known a couple of people to do.