If the US was actually a meritocracy, I’d be rich. I built my career in comp sci and UXD from nothing. I left school in 9th grade then taught myself programming in multiple languages – BASIC then Perl, Java, C, and on to C++, C#, ObjC, JavaScript, and markup languages, – and UXD including related important fields (psychology, sociology, philosophy), and worked my way from a delivery driver to cook, to assistant mgr in retail and restaurant to manager (to make ends meet whilst learning) to programmer, to assistant lead, to PM assistant, to project manager, to designer, to lead designer at a company where I had more than 10 million users and was submitted for an Apple design award for my design.
Then I got sick with a genetic disease for which there’s no treatment or cure. Now I can no longer work and as a result, I am destitute, my savings are gone, and I have nothing but social security and Medicare, which is horribly broken. I can’t afford housing, and have to choose between medicine and food.
This is in the US, obviously. I have plenty more to contribute – my mind still works fine – but I can’t contribute in this system because I can’t reliably work.
I am fucked. I can’t afford to live anymore and, regardless of what I could contribute in a system that might allow me to, I am stuck doing nothing and slowly dying because this system is designed to fuck me as hard as possible.
This is not a meritocracy. If it was, I would not be in the position of choosing whether to eat or buy medicine.
e2: and we wouldn’t have a complete moron making billions by stealing the work of others (people like me) then just casting them aside like they’re nothing. Yes, I mean that absolute shitbag poser, you all know his name.
Sorry for all the edits, this pisses me off.
e: I also wrote a scifi novel that I can’t market because I’ve been too sick. Because I’m so desperate, I’m going to mention it here – I could use a couple of reviews. Based on current reviews, it’s not bad: Blue Are the Hills by Lilly Piper on Amazon, if you’re into dystopian fiction. I’ve tried to market myself as much as I can, but it’s hard. That’s why my Lemmy icon is my face – not because I’m a boomer, but because it’s my branding.
We need to stop being in shock and awe at how stupid these people are and start understanding that they are our enemies. They work in direct opposition to the welfare of average Americans. They're also stupid. But more importantly, they are our enemies, and we need to start framing it as such.
These people don't deserve to breath the same air we breath. If you can't see everyone as equal then you are beneath us and need to be dealt with in the most severe method possible.
They do this intentionally, it's part of Trump's populist cult, White house messages under his last admin had intentional spelling and grammar errors and when asked staffers said they did it intentionally to match Trump's 'style' breaking norms is a big part of populist cults of personally.
OMG FOLKS!!! I cant even bleeev what happend todai!!! ther was this adorabule White House Corresponant (wink wink) tryin to report on Donalds latest rulz, but she goth a littl somethin wong!!! She speld it "correpondent" (see? I'm alredy righting about it! LOL) instead of the coplete word!!! Whoop Dee Doo!
I mean, like, whats the big deil with this? It's just a tiny tiny mistake. I bet she was just in a rush and it happend. Or maybe she was tryin to send a message or somethin (wink wink). The pweeps r gonna be all upset about this but let me tell you, it's NOT A BIG DEAL. Nobody even noticd! It's just a lil typo.
I mean, I'm the one who is a reel journalist and a master of word spelwing. I speld it "correpondent" 5 times in a row in this same post! So don't you worry about this Corresponant gal, she'll get 'em rite next time (HA!).
Also, looking past that spelling mistake, what the hell is a War Room White House? Is that meant to refer to the situation room? The briefing room? Is it that she's in two places at once, the White House and a virtual War Room of whatever media organisation she represents?
Or is it, as I may be forced to suspect, a perpetual state of mind, a designation not in conflict of course with any of the above, but indicative of someone who not only cannot spell their job but is just there to, as the phrase goes, perpetually and obsequiously stir shit?
As a second language learner of English, I used to stress over getting my English right and would spend time double checking my spelling and grammar, checking the dictionary to make sure I am using the word correctly, even when posting on forums and comment sections. Once Trump became president and I saw the numerous mistakes he made, I stopped caring.
To be fair, a mate of mine had 'Incident Reponse' in his professional signature for more than a month. At least the Cyber Analyst part was spelled correctly I guess?