That's why the courts and the legacy media and the bulk of the political establishment have been at the very least enabling him - because what he's in fact doing, and has been doing since the beginning, is working for the explicit benefit of himself and his moneyed class cronies, to the detriment of everyone else.
Wow, really? But I thought he wanted to make Mexico and Denmark pay for things, and do all's kinda of stuff to help people?
It's almost like some fucking idiots voted a guy into office who doesn't care about them, and wants to create a feudalistic state or something. Like...who ever even saw that coming?
I was listening to a podcast (Professional Left) and they played a clip of some caller who was saying the country voted for donvict because they wanted him to ignore the Constitution in order to deal with the emergency (I think she was talking about the border) and then "hopefully" he'd restore it afterwards.
JFC, these people are so very fucking stupid. I know, I know, Yahweh forbid we blame the fucking stupid voters that voted for this shit. Obviously this is all Biden and Kamala's fault.
Fuck you. Fuck anyone surprised by any of this. They wrote it down. They lied to your face and laughed when they were called out. If you are feigning surprise you're either willfully ignorant or outright mental.
"""Despite claiming to stand for "hardworking American families" — who are typically considered to be a different category of human beings than woke Marxist transgender green-dealers, at least within the Fox Cinematic Universe""" 😂
The whole problem is Supply Side Jesus is taking his sweet ass time coming back. Therefore, the nut bags at the Heritage Foundation have to crash the world via disease, war, famine, and death.
Found the clip where some donvict supporter calls into C-Span, advocating to just ignore the Constitution under Donvict, because, well, that's what "the people" voted for.
Just crazy stuff. Why this hasn't gone viral, I don't know.