A cap on the price Medicaid would pay for insulin for the people it covers and unenforced pledge from pharmaceutical companies to cap their prices that they could reverse at any time was on the ballot
Better than what we're about to get, but far short of the right it should be
You have to establish in law and in the minds of the people that the government has a duty to provide affordable health care for it's people. Every other developed nation (and many developing ones) have figured it out. Americans have not, like at all.
Literally saw a mother in tears because she couldn’t afford her child’s Insulin. Her and her husband work full time jobs. They work hard and are normal people. But now they have to ration the insulin doses to try and last the entire month.
I used to work customer service for a mail order pharmacy and about every 1-2 weeks I would get a phone call from somebody threatening to commit suicide because they could no longer afford their medication most often this was for insulin.
a 30 day supply of insulin for me would be 765 retail without my workplaces insurance. Insulin pump supplies would be another 450 a month. I dont know how anyone affords it without insurance from work. A parent would have to devote their entire minimum wage paycheck for nothing but insulin. No food, housing or clothes epenses unless they had another parent. And year by year a diabetics body needs a slightly higher dose as insulin resistence builds. Pretty tragic to be diabetic and poor in the US.