I can confirm this drives the one behind you crazy.
The other day I drove behind someone that did like that, first they lowered the speed for a few minutes then they passed a speed limit sign and increased the speed.
I ended up trying to match their lowest speed and giving them plenty of space.
When a car is following another there is a safe speed for the distance between the cars. If the person in back can't maintain the proper distance, it is the person in fronts responsibility to maintain the proper speed.
What a baffling comment. Driving at a slower speed would give the person behind you more time to react, which they need because they're riding your ass regardless of your speed.
I think thats what they're saying though, or at least thats what I got from their comment. There's a safe speed for the distance between cars, and as the car behind you gets closer, that safe speed goes down quick.
I think a lot of people down voting this need to read it again. They're not saying you should go faster because someone is close behind, they're saying go slower.
If they're 5m behind you, the safe speed is 20. If they're 2m behind you the safe speed is 10. (Numbers pulled out of my hat).
It is also the law here that it's the follower's responsibility to maintain proper following distance. But if they're not going to keep you safe, you slow down to make sure you're both safer with their choice in follow distance.
I need a rear-mounted radar sensor and a display to make this work properly. Something that says something like, "current traveling speed: X, current following distance: Y, safe following distance at speed X: Z. Lowering speed to comply with safe following distance."
I want them to know exactly why I am slowing down.
why would you go for that when you could just stop as far to the side of the road as possible and tell them to go around you? let them get in front of you so they can merrily drive into a tree at 500mph while you keep yourself safe.