She said she's escalating it as a "high risk" of me leaving and she will get back to me soon.
Let's see what happens.
Edit: absolutely wrecked today. Will be leaving early. Figure they owe me a few hours from the weekend?
Edit: She's spoken to the owner of what used to be the separate company. He's employed as SLT within the larger org.
He's taking it to to the committee asap.
Hate to say it, and I dont mean to be negative: But nothing you've told us thus far about these guys fills me with confidence that they are gonna do the right thing here.
If you're in that headspace always, always leave. You're done. You'll not be able to let past transgressions go. But don't burn bridges, and you can potentially go back in the future.
Also by leaving you'll get a pay bump, and then if going back a pay bump again.