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Fallout: The Frontier Rework Master Document Fallout: The New Frontier

Helianwin Rework A non comprehensive look through of what we’re planning on doing for the rework. What happened? In 2021, almost immediately after the release of legacy frontier, a rework was begun to remake the NCR MQ primarily, and to facilitate the lore improvements that were solely needed....

Fallout: The New Frontier

Most people know of the disasterous launch of (Legacy) Fallout: The Frontier, but did you know about the rework which is underway? That's right, The Frontier's release is still ahead of us, and the team released a master document outlining their plans for the future early September, last year.

P.S: The rework is currently looking for chinese-american voice actors fluent in both mandarin and english for an upcoming faction, if this sounds like you, please consider applying!

  • but did you know about the rework which is underway?

    • Fallout: The Frontier was possibly the most hyped mod release in the Fallout modding scene, it would be a shame to see that go to waste. I'm excited to see if it can reach it's full potential with a fresh new direction :)

      [Intelligence 8] My mind's telling me to. But my body, my body's telling me yes.

      • I never get excited for mods before release anymore, because of the fucking frontier lmao

  • I still haven't given Fallout: The Frontier a proper playthrough, but I'm interested in seeing where they go with the rework.