Amazon's modifications mirror similar actions taken by other major companies after Trump’s election victory, including Meta, McDonald’s, and Walmart
I have one outstanding order that is already out for delivery. Once I get that, I'm closing my amazon account. I'm done. Buy nothing. Vote with your wallet. Edit: account is closed. get bent Bozos.
Well I guess it's a good thing I have begun my 4 years of austerity. I am not spending one dime more than I need to for necessities. I cancelled Amazon Prime a year ago and will be making every effort to buy whatever necessities I usually would get from there elsewhere.
I'm actually doing the same. I'm going to really consider, to the best of my ability, and with the best information available, the political background of the things I spend my money on. If I -need- a semi-frivolous thing, I'll buy from a blue state or used on eBay. No hiring of the trades for me; if I can't do it myself, I probably don't need it that bad (I live in a red state). No Amazon, Facebook, and especially no Tesla (not that I was ever interested in the first place). I will try to support artists and other people who have a politically agreeable mission, however.
What's the worst that can happen? I end up with a giant pile of money I would have blown? I'm fine with that.
I'm glad people like you exist. I've cut down spending through COVID and have been mostly in bunker mode living well below my means and paying off my mortgage. I don't owe anything to anyone outside of land tax and some utilities. I'm late to the game removing Amazon from the picture, but my last order has already been made. What sucks is I thought after a few years of hunkering down things would finally get better and I'd be in a great position to move forward. I hope more and more people join this effort. I see this as being AS important as the 2nd amendment. The right to bare arms is useless if you have to fight an entity with most of the money, major parts of the supply chain, and all the intel.