Every bit of energy and attention expended on the sieg heil is a bit of energy and attention that's NOT being expended on any of the actions being taken and policies being enacted by Trump and the oligarchs right this moment for the direct and explicit purpose of destroying liberty and democracy in the US.
The sieg heil is performative. It's a symbol. In and of itself, it causes no direct harm.
However, a terrifying number of the actions that Trump is actually taking - directives he's issuing and policies he's implementing -are causing and will cause direct and measurable harm.
They need to be the focus, and the sieg heil is a distraction from them.
He definitely shouldn't be dismissed and people are right to be absolutely pissed at the open nazism, but also the sieg heil is an extremely obvious distraction.
lol what? C'mon man. I know misery loves company, but this was a legitimately lame response. Give it another go. You can do better. Maybe crack wise about my mama?
There's a world of difference between "a troll" and "just a troll." I expect you know that.
And you've evaded my point, so I'll repeat it, broken down into bite-sized pieces:
The sieg heil didn't cause direct and measurable harm in and of itself.
Meanwhile, there are many things that this administration is actively doing right this moment that are causing and will cause direct and measurable harm.
Every single bit of energy and attention spent on the sieg heil is energy and attention NOT spent on them.
It enables and empowers nazis. A group that is known to take violent action when feeling they can.
And as a bonus, all of those little nazi muffins that were either in jail or otherwise hampered by their earned felony are now free to go bananas, including acquiring arms stockpiles.
Numerous intelligence reports had found that those far right leaders were somewhat stifled by the J6 implications, and their organizations driven somewhat underground. Orange Caesar just took the lid off.
It depends how you use the moment. I like Die Zeit's article about it (in German, paywall can be bypassed with archive websites). They use it as on opportunity to discuss the context where it was made - an extreme right political event - and expose how mainstream media has helped normalizing nazi symbology by amplifying the gaslighting.