He stole it from the Italians under Mussolini, who basically took it from a painting. There's no evidence the Romans used this salute, so it's always been associated with fascism.
I for one am absolutely amused that every reputable news source calls it a nazi-style salute, since Elon couldn't even get the salute right, despite his best efforts.
Isnt this the wrong community? This is not an onion or onion like article... I know Chaser usually does that, but there are no jokes or lies in there really are there? All those quotes have been said/written by someone.
Eh, the richest and arguably most powerful man on the planet just did a Nazi salute, twice, on live TV. I think it's understandable that some of our nerves are a bit frayed when it comes to sarcasm/jokes about the subject.
Oh wow, that’s even worse than I had guessed. He looks…well exactly like himself, which is to say an over-grown child who thinks being hated for being a nazi is “being a rebel”.
When you caught me fisting your mom did you think I was acknowledging her with my thumb and the rest of my fingers or when I was elbow deep and shouted, "I'm fisting your mom!" in your face was it clear what was actually happening?
Ok, so imagine that you're a billionaire and a really smart dude (as claimed by so many people on the internet). And you get into government and appear on TV and want to look good. You might hire a publicist, a PR team, some speechwriters, hell how about a body language consultant. When you go on TV you're going to project exactly the image you intend to. Anything less would be careless and stupid, right?
So yeah. This was a Nazi salute. And if you really want to argue that it wasn't, that Musk doesn't even know what a Nazi is, you gotta also accept that he's grossly incompetent and should not be in government at all. Throw him out, we didn't vote for him.