If I self host some kind of private video chat service, is the video data transferred direct from connected peer to peer? Does it go through the self hosted service instance? Or does that depend on which video server is used?
Jitsi Meet it's usually p2p for calls between two persons. As soon as a third person joins, the meeting gets routed through the server. You can see this by a slight delay happening when person 3 joins. It won't happen again for every additional person joining
Also when you use Jingles on XMPP, usually the voice and video part is P2P. Negociation goes through the federated xmpp servers of the respective users.
Thanks. I’m just curious how much bandwidth would be consumed by the self hosted server if all video traffic is routed through it. If the video traffic is p2p then the self hosted server would be cheaper to maintain.
Of course check the implementation you end up using if it truly is p2p. Also you can analyze the bandwidth of services on your server, which may be useful in your case.
Of course it depends on what software you are using.
Though as a rule of thumb, peers try to connect directly. That's not always possible due to firewalls/NATs, so often TURN servers are used as intermediary.
That depends entirely on the protocol you're using... That's like asking if HTTP works the same way as vittorrent because they both are used to transfer files.