There are bad things happening in the world, conflicts, ecological disasters, economic upheavels, and political upheavals. It's easy to look at these bad things and assume things are much worse than they are. Nobody wants there to be a world war 3.
You are probably overexaggerating.
There are increased conflicts over the world but no signs of a world war.
First there are no willing candidates for it. Not even Russia which is engaged in a war is willing to make the push to engage NATO, which is the closest to a world war we would get.
Neither is Iran willing to go into war which was very obvious after their actions when Israel made ample opportunities for them to escalate conflict.
And for China.. well war is bad for business, and China really likes doing business.
However the US with Trump at the helm. 🤷 Who the fuck knows. Maybe not world war but I am adding military occupation of Panama and Greenland to my bingo just in case.
Primarily because there's not economic benefit in it for the ruling class.
Also, we've made the experience of the war in the middle east around 2000 where the USA couldn't even occupy a farmer's state for more than a couple years.
I don't think anybody realistically thinks they can take over another (big) country in this time.
The situation today is nowhere near as bad as the Cold War.
Think of it this way. All of the 0.01%ers in china, USA and Russia share the same tastes and values. Think any of them are really hot to blow up their nice places on the Rivera?
I think it il depend on the military industrial complex in the USA and whether they decide to off Trump or not. If Trump goes isolationist then they'll probably merc him. If he invades Panama and starts a hot war with Iran then there probably won't be a world war (ironically). If China invades Taiwan and the US blinks then there won't be a world war. If the US attacks China for taking over Taiwan then we'll be in a world war.
Russia (the current primary aggressor) is on the brink of a banking system collapse. It doesn't have the money to wage war on a bigger scale than it already is.
China is far more interested in trade than hostilities.
The middle east has been a tinder box for over a hundred years. I don't see it dragging outsiders into it and hopefully we have a respite coming.
Central Asia has tension between India and Pakistan, but that's nothing new. India could piss off China or the reverse, and if that kicked off the loss of life could be on a scale that would be unprecedented but still I think it wouldn't drag the west in.
In 2001 there was that 9/11 thing and it sounded like WW3 had just started. Turns out, it didn't. Well, lots of things did happen as a result of it, but WW3 wasn't one of them. Soon after that, USA was involved in a number of wars in the middle east and it felt like WW3 had just started. Again, it didn't. Some time around 2010s the tension between North Korea and South Korea was getting pretty intense, and a friend of mine started talking WW3... As usual, WW3 didn't start.
At the moment, the situation in Ukraine feels just like all the other major incidents, but we'll see how it works out. If you expose your mind to tabloid journalism, it begins to feel like the entire world is about to explode. History has a tendency of repeating itself, so I suggest reading about the things that lead to WW1 and WW2. Once, you've done that, you'll begin to pay attention to certain signs and start ignoring most of the nonsense tabloids keep writing about.
So, WW3 won't happen until the oligarchy says it's time. Not sure why now would be the time, but I suppose it could be. There's like a billion people in the world making a dollar a day, a few billion people only making a few dollars a day... That's a few billion dollars per day the oligarchy almost certainly thinks belongs in their pocket instead. So I could see them continuing to squeeze the world for every last drop of wealth, which I think will cause unrest in a lot of places. Add climate change to that and I think things just get bad everywhere for most people. Obviously the oligarchy will just go to their islands, yachts, bunkers until a few billion are dead and they can pop back out with their private armies ready to "save" the world.
A lot of people think they need us to buy their trinkets, but the entire consumer middle class is only like 100 years old, and I think was only designed to keep us distracted while they plundered the world. Now that a small handful of people own everything, and soon enough robots and AI will replace most human labor, it's mission accomplished and we can go back to feudalism where they are gods and everyone else is slaves.
I think that the true world war 3 will not be nations against nations, but citizens against their own nations. The stage is set for an actual paradigm shift or system annihilation. We will not support civilization if it doesn't change, either the people destroy the pyramid or the pyramid will destroy the world.
According to the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, we are closer to nuclear war now than ever in history. Closer than when boomers were doing school duck and cover drills.
Quite possible, although less likely now, I think. The GOP has plenty of hawks, but the DNC is the party of Cheney and the neocons post-2020, and Genocide Joe loves nothing more than the smell of child's blood in the morning, while Trump is actually quite conflict averse despite his bluster. We're definitely on the brink.
Anything could happen of course, but I don't see this as a likely scenario myself. What's more likely is that we return to bloc competition similar to what we saw during the Cold War. Except this time it's going to be G7 against the BRICS.
I highly doubt that WWIII will happen (within the next few years), however I forsee the next several years to not be peacful. There will be several (regional/civil) despites that will most likley occur and the chances of any of them escalating is highly unlikley. Here are the conflicts I forsee:
Continued Syrian Civil War: wont be pretty but escalation is unlikely
Palestinian occupation: Will absolutely continue to be horrific but none of the neighboring Arab counties care enough to escalate (or risk US aid)
Russia/Ukraine war: Russia will get some territory and thats about it, probrally just the Russian majority areas. After that the EU will intimidate Russia to back off.
India/China border dispute: They'll make a lot of noise, actural fighting is unlikely
US/Canada/Mexico/Greenland conflict: Who knows tbh, most likley Trump is running off his mouth as always
China/Taiwan: I severly doubt it, in addition the US is moving microchip manufacturing to the US so strategic value may loosen
Worst case scenario here is a full blown war between the EU and Russia, the US likley wont get involved (Trump doesnt care about Europe) and neither will China (both counties might send aid respectively). It would probrally end with Russia surrendering followed by them loosing no land and maybe a regime change plus some political reforms.
I would say world war is still years away, but if SK in your name means slovakia then comfort yourself that you might find yourself in the early BRICS block vs US empire wars, so hopefully it'll be over without too much war in your country soon.
No I really don't I see water wars and cold war style espionage but no WW2 style conflict. But I also think we will have Societal collapse by 2030 due to climate change and being unable to grow food. Honestly after Cheeto got reelected I have just gone numb to all the of it. I am savoring each day.
I hug my love ones just a little longer than I used to. I write a log of each day to I remember it a little better. I have made a bucket list and I'm trying to check off as much as possible. But even with all that I sometimes catch myself mourning the earth. Also it's good to video your love ones it's awkward but it will be nice to hear their voice when you can't anymore.
Current circumstances do seem worrisome. But, we've been threatened with that for all my life, and even decades before I was born. So who knows. MAD is a certain thing and I don't think entire countries are unstable enough to let that happen. I'm not really sure what Putin is getting at threatening all of Europe. The situation with China and Taiwan doesn't look good, with the US pledge of taking Taiwan's side for independence.
Yes. America can't come and rescue the Europeans anymore, and noone will help rescue America's neighbors from her.
Once the U.S.A becomes even more divided, Taiwan will get invaded and Israel will collapse. Hopefully the Ukranians can get a good peace deal in before everything goes tits up or they'll be taken over as well.
You could make the argument that we are already in the precursor to WW3, or what 1938 was to WW2. You're not over exaggerating, but it's not worth worrying about. The wealthy who have people and countries into poverty and then supported these wars are the real enemies.
Many will say that World War Three cannot happen, that nuclear weapons will prevent it. However, this assumes that World War Three has to be global thermonuclear war, rather than some repeat of the previous world wars.
Cities don't have to be leveled for nations to fight a world war. The US fought two world wars, and we never had our cities and infrastructure decimated. What I can imagine is a future world war where all the major players fight the war in the same way the US fought the two previous wars. Both sides contribute massive resources, adopt wartime economies, throw their whole populations behind the effort etc, but at no point do the various combatants directly attack the main territory and population centers of the other side. You could have a conflict where both sides lost millions of troops fighting it out in some third party territory, but the nukes never fly as all sides realize that invading the home territory of the others is suicide.