Even with everything that's going on, I still don't really care about someone's beliefs or political views. It's definitely harder these days for sure, but i still try. I'd much rather talk things out and understand someone before I decide to just hate them. The problem is that they are fucking rude and trying to start arguments all the damn time. It's literally just the trolls that show up.
I see what you mean. I do care, but it's more like I don't use it as a basis for why I don't like people. Never been a fan of boiling a person down to just one thing about them. Unless you're just straight up an asshole to people for no reason.
Yeah I agree with this sentiment. Rather than seek understanding and openness, we should always strive to eliminate those who disagree with us, and never seek to progress our collective understandings especially through peaceful means. If you think about it, attempting conversion of another is immoral because it is an enforcement of your personal morality onto others. Therefore elimination and silence is the only just and good approach. Temporary peace among disagreeing parties is permissable, so long as it leads to the destruction, ostracization, or total exile of another group.
I get your point but also I think it's nice there is a place I can go on the internet where I don't have to deal with those weirdos. By virtue of the groups in question you are also framing "we should run society differently i think this way would be better" and "i don't think gay and trans people should be allowed to exist" as a mere disagreement.
I think the main problem is that the majority of them come in ready to fight with their arms swinging. I'm down to have a normal conversation with just about anyone, but if you come in and just start insulting people and starting fights you can fuck right off.