Vice President Kamala Harris' refusal to break with the Biden administration's support for Israel's assault on Gaza cost her millions of potential Democratic voters. Will the Democratic Party learn from this and listen to its voters who want leaders to oppose sending more weapons to Israel? #Gaza #E...
And now America is paying the price for a bunch of people who thought that they would somehow stop genocide abroad by enabling the man who wants genocide domestically.
You won't have a hard time arguing that Donald Trump is a massive piece of garbage, but your comment presumes that Kamala Harris and the Democratic party are entitled to votes.
You'll find there is a large portion of the Democratic base who are not motivated to vote for a pro-genocide candidate, which is exactly the entire point of this poll. The Democratic party needs to do better and stop fighting against the progressive wing of the party if they ever want to regain the trust of working class people. At a bare minimum you would expect them to respect international law.
Then again, they're doing exactly what AIPAC and defense industry paid them to do, same as the Republicans.
My comment presumes her opponent was a rapist fascist dictator. But that wasn't enough for Americans.
And the Democratic Party isn't going to do better because it will only exist in name only from now on. You and others got what you wanted. Now you're going to have to live with the consequences. If you live.
Not only was she pro-genocide, but also an anti-immigration, pro-corporate, pro-police, and "maintain the status quo" candidate. I don't know a single measure that one could use to make her seem left-wing.
The DNC did the same with Biden and Clinton and nearly lost both of those times too. It's almost as if they want the Republicans to control everything if it means they don't have to actually advance leftist policy that is good for the country. Even Obama's crowning achievement was a Republican drafted healthcare plan that cemented the private medical insurance model into law.
Didn't Trump suggest nuking Palestine? No matter what these people say, it all just sounds like they were looking for any excuse to support Baby Huey while feeling better about themselves for doing so. If it wasn't Palestine, it would've been something else.
Precisely. Harris enabled her opponent to win by having a weak stance on Israel. She handed him the keys to the White House, as the article clearly describes, by not standing up and speaking out against genocide.
I'm sorry, but putting the entirety of the blame on Harris when there were plenty of people who didn't care whether or not a rapist fascist dictator got into power and plenty of others specifically telling people not to vote for Harris is ludicrous.
There is so much blame to go around and people like you who just blame Harris now make me think that you were part of the group telling people to absolutely not vote for Harris no matter what. People like you are why I have to flee for my daughter's safety.
She literally stood and spoke out against genocide at the DNC. Granted, it came off a little soft but, she very clearly said that her administration does not condone genocide and that they would use various strategies to put pressure on Israel, while "maintaining strategic military alliances in the region". It was a tactful/"politically-savvy" way to say it, but she did speak on it and promise action. I may be wrong, but I don't think we can say the same for Donny.
I think, in general, it was more apathy. I know too many people with the kind of narrow world view that makes them not see the difference between the two parties. All they see the slow slide into a capitalist dystopia and they just check out. 7 million less votes can’t be pinned on one issue. It was a hundred issues that haven’t changed in forty years.
And honestly, that’s the brilliance of the GOP's insanity. They’ve driven down engagement. Then everything about the Post-Truth Era has reinforced that. This is especially true of the positive aspects of Biden's administration.
I generally agree with you, and I would also add that the DNC has been happy to go along with the Republican party to advance corporate interests.
It's not like we didn't know a lot of the tactics that the Republican party has employed for the last 30 years. These aren't giant secrets, and they could be combated, except most Washington Democrats don't want to, presumably because their corporate backers don't want to.
We need progressive representation. Maybe the DNC will clue in ... Eventually. But it would be even better if independent candidates were not eliminated by the two big parties.
I’m skeptical. Too many are wrapped up in the money. They aren’t getting lavish gifts, paid trips, and cushy jobs after their stints in power by having grassroots campaigns or working for the people.
This is the same poll as was taken down last time. And the takeaways aren't being objectively discussed by Common Dreams or IMEU.
The swing states set Economy first, Gaza second. Gaza leads only if you include every state. And There's no real discussion of the negative side. How many voters would she lose in swing states for breaking with Biden's message? Particularly Pennsylvania, their must win state, which had the lowest support for Gaza.
I think we can realistically say Gaza is a big issue for Democrats but we already knew that from previous polling. I think we can also realistically say that the combination of her Gaza policy, Economic policy, and support for the most extreme immigration legislation in my lifetime, all contributed to her loss.
What makes me sad is that everyone is focused on gaming the election. The question shouldn't be about what position on Gaza might have gotten Harris more votes. It should be about what Harris believed was the right policy. Not that I think that actually had much to do with it either.
We need to elect people who make decisions based on ethics and not on polls.
Idiots. They contributed to Trump getting elected, who will be a thousand times worse for Gaza than Harris would have been. These are dumb voters. Fuck them.
Sweet, I can't wait for our first election to not be influenced by dumb voters. When's that going to happen? I guess we should just keep losing until then.
Warning: the poll behind this article has false data because of biased question wording and order. See here for examples: