Book of the Dead is a Manwha that takes place entirely in the afterlife/purgatory, compromised entirely of young souls which killed themselves
This Manwha has a whole lot of Gore, Psychologically focused themes and surpassing trauma
The original Korean sources were NSFW with nudity but it has been cropped for the English translation
I had been searching for a long time for a Manwha like this, and when I originally found it, it only had 6 chapters so I felt like I had **won the lottery
if the gore and traumatic aspects are not a trigger for you, I suggest you check out the first four chapters
::: >!This is a river of death where reapers roam and instinctively know the infinite sea, the goal is to reincarnate but nearly every individual here has had awful experiences leading them to not desire it, so you meet fucked up people and more fucked up people and travel the infinite ocean for islands of peace or destruction and to overcome them, again, it's still bit too early for me to totally predict what'll happen, and the meat of the action just started!< :::
The original Korean sources were NSFW with nudity but it has been cropped for the English translation
This sucks. I hate when they change something like that for no reason. Just translate the original work and leave the rest untouched. Give me what the author intended.