Q: what does apt install firefox do? Surely it uses apt to install Firefox, right????
A: The command gets highjacked by snap, which promptly crashed and hangs.
Ran into this just a few hours ago, made the mistake of suggesting Ubuntu as a sane default (instead of debian or something else), never making that mistake again hopefully.
Firefox isn't in Debian's repository, cause it moves too fast for Debian's release cycle and is too complicated for their security team.
Debian instead offers firefox-esr
Ubuntu instead offers firefox snap
Here's a thought: Before installing packages you don't understand, go to the Firefox site and follow their instructions which work fine on Ubuntu and doesn't install snap.
I'm not a fan of snap either, but with all software, people need to RTFM. Not do the dumb thing and then cry on the Internet seeking hive mind rage when the dumb thing happens.
Where was I refusing to understand its quirks? After several years of using snap-based Firefox, I came to the conclusion that I didn't like the snap based installation of firefox. So, I followed the directions to go back to a deb-based Firefox installation. But Kubuntu "helpfully" reverted it a few months later, and that cycle repeated a few times.
I specifically requested the deb-based installation and it ignored my wishes. I know what operating system that reminds me of, and it isn't Linux.
I'm sure someone will tell me I'm wrong for wanting a .deb-based Firefox and that snaps are better anyway. Even if that's true (I don't care to argue), I chose a path and Kubuntu overrode my choice. Silently, too.
I'll also note that I started using Kubuntu back in 2008 or so, and stopped last year. I used it on both my desktop and laptop machines. So, it wasn't like I just tried it for a few hours and got upset; I was a long time user that was quite familiar with how it worked. For most of that time, I was really happy with Kubuntu, but having it override my explicit configuration was extremely frustrating.
Others can continue to use it, that's fine with me. This isn't a personal attack on anyone's choices.
I think expecting people running Ubuntu to RTFM is a longshot. The people installing it want an experience where they don't want to put any effort into learning how things work. If they did they probably would run something else.