I noticed recently that a Linux command mentioned in its manpage that it supported Q as a bit prefix and I had to stop to ponder the utility in encoding a million-billion Terabytes.
The campaign hasn't made any progress since 2011 when Wolfram Alpha added support for it, a year after Google did. Google's calculator still does support it, though, so you can write queries like like "1Zbit/s * 1 year in hellabytes" (3.9 hellabytes), or "mass of the earth in hellagrams" (5.9 hellagrams).
Cookie Clicker doesn't use SI prefixes. It just uses numbers (eg million, billion, octodecillion, etc...), which already extend into basically infinity I believe.
Bah, Imperial Units all the way. How else would I know how many stone I weigh, or how many King's Pubes I am tall? I don't want to convert from kilometers (whatever those are!) to gentlemans-strides or shilling miles to get where I'm going.
"What the hell are you kids doing down there in the basement, that you need these more specific units?" "Um... nothing, sir. Everything is quite all right, quite all right."
"Hrumph! Very well then, I shall be in my study. And do try to keep the bloody racket down, for chrissakes!" "Yes sir, thank you sir, goodnight sir... Whew... that was a close one!"