Had a ex-friend who went real hard last year about feeling his masculinity has been challenged. Went deep into the manosphere language. He was extra annoying. Every convo was about how he, a white man in America, was being repressed. He started labelling random shit as masculine/feminine. Got sick this and stopped inviting him.
A few months later, I learned the divorce was finalized and he's been sending me invites to hang with him in his bachelor pad. Nah dog you suck now.
I feel like tech and finance bros turn to the right because bad guys who think they're good get tired of being told by educated people that they are objectively bad guys. And instead of changing, they end up seeking spaces that will reward them for being bad guys and will allow them to ignore or disparage those offering valid criticism.
He’s right about one thing: There is a serious lack of actual masculinity among our leaders.
Most public figures who try to present some form of “masculinity” are just desperate and petty, willing to sacrifice nothing to earn their status, and eager to degrade others to look better by comparison.
A real man produces more than he needs, but takes only that much and ensures the rest goes to those who are less able to sustain themselves. They protect the defenseless, elevate those who are ignored, and invest in a future they won’t personally live to enjoy.
Show me a real man among you. It’s not femininity keeping you from finding one. It’s your own greed and hubris.
I assume by more masculine energy, Zuckerberg means:
More posturing by Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Donald Trump, the US exemplars of manhood.
Trolls, more trolls, trolls trolling trolls. People fucking with anyone else that makes them uncomfortable.
People boasting about how rich they are, how fast their car goes, and how many women they bed. Comparisons. Leaderboards.
Doxing. So much doxing.
So much AI porn. So much futa AI porn.
So much misogyny. All the misogygy. Al Misogyny. Misogyny leaderboards.
Tons of hate speech against the targets of the week. Immigrants, trans folk, Jews Arab Muslims, libs (not liberals, neoliberals or left-wingers, libs )
Essentially Zuck wants Facebook to become 4chan/b... or 4chan/pol, only where everybody knows your name.
It fits his whole revamp with the judo and working out and human haircut. I assume in the near future he'll go on Rogan and then end up launching a podcast of his own.
He knows he'll never make up the loss of subscribers on the left since he's burned those bridges so he has to double down on the far right to carry his platform.
This way he gets to compete with X for a race to the bottom and see who can gather the most shitbags to support their plateauing businesses.
I am speculating that all the ridiculing and questioning Mark Zuckerberg's masculinity over the years made him so insecure that he turned to the manosphere. We only have ourselves to blame.
I hate this, because the idea comes from Hermetic spirituality, but from a very cherry picked version of it that basically says "Be as shitty a person as you want, give into your natural inclinations and vices"
I know because I've seen this A LOT!
Because the actual Seventh Principle of Hermeticism does not say to do this, it actually says to balance the masculine and feminine within yourself to acknowledge both as being geniunely within you. It also encourages that the two shouldn't be seen as opposites but rather two endpoints on a vast spectrum, the same way we see hot and cold.
But sadly too many "Gurus" somehow warped this into
"Reject femininity, see it as weakness, and be a massive chauvinistic asshole."
When that couldn't be further from what it's saying.
Can anyone who upvoted this explain what's actually wrong with Zuck's comment?
"Masculine energy I think is good, and obviously society has plenty of that, but I think that corporate culture was really trying to get away from it [...] It's like you want feminine energy, you want masculine energy [...] I think that that’s all good. But I do think the corporate culture sort of had swung toward being this somewhat more neutered thing,