Some guesses, in declining order of probability. :)
Vanity and spite. After all, he's not emotionally mature.
With some probability, rational attention-seeking to keep his supporters entertained and lobbyists (who bought and propagandized his way to power) satisfied. He has to deliver them goods. This is how he shows that he intends to deliver the goods... that he actually cannot deliver without changing the constitutional order very much. You can mark my words: lots of wind parks will be opened under the Trump administration, despite anything he does.
Maybe he wants to test the mettle of the terrible Renewable Industries Complex - an industry very prone to organizing coups and hiring assassins. If I were him, I'd consider twice, all the people in the solar business that I know have been extremely menacing. ;P
For a long while Savonius wind turbines were popular with the DIY self-sufficiency crowd. Solar panels blew them away in terms of home power generation and lack of maintenance but they were easy to DIY and they work well in the kinds of locations where the big prop windmills don't make sense, like bolted to roofs and to the sides of building.
They do sell premade wind turbines ranging from ones intended for yachts to full size ones but the permies forums have a lot of neat discussions on home small wind and small hydro.
I'm not at all excited about the way our climate is going, but there's a bit of a silver lining in Trump likely being the guy to put mar-a-largo under the mar
He won't have much luck where they already exist. Farmers in iowa and kansas want to be next with one. They don't like not getting that rent. wind turbines makes core grow much better - similar to oil wells making cows grow.
That's pretty dangerous. Four years of no projects being build could kill an industry and drive away the skilled people. By the time a sane government gets established again the companies may be gone and people would be otherwise engaged, so a quick bounce back wouldn't really be possible either.